Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 9
Số lượng câu trả lời 4
Điểm GP 1
Điểm SP 1

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Bae Chi

Task 2: Choose the correct answer for each question:

1. Manchester is famous _________ its football teams.

A. in                            B. with                                     C. for                           D. as

2. _________ a nice day! Shall we go swimming?

A. How                       B. When                                  C. What                       D. Which

3. It was the most exciting film I ______.

A. never saw               B. ever saw                             C. had ever seen          D. have ever seal

4. They have been in love with each other _____they were young.

A. while                      B. until                                    C. for                           D. since

5. I_____ the money from him yet.

A. haven’t received                 B. don’t receive           C. will receive             D. am receiving

6. How many times ______there so far? A few times.

A. have you been                    B. would you be          C. were you                 D. had you been

7. Up to now, I_____ such a big fire.

A. have never seen                  B. had never seen        C. never seen               D. never see

8. He ____ in the same house since 1975.

A. has lived                 B. is living                               C. lived                       D. had lived

9. Do you know_____ drink in Viet Nam?

A. popular                   B. more popular          C. more and more popular      D. the most popular

10. I usually play football when I have____.

A. spare time               B. good time               C. no time                               D. times

11. Last summer, I_____ fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.

A. go                           B. went                       C. goes                                    D. going

12. I like watching football matches, but I am not very good____ playing football.

A. at                            B. in                            C. on                                       D. for

13. "___do you do judo?" - "Twice a week.".

A. When                      B. Where                     C. How often                          D. Why

14. ___sports do you like watching on TV?  .

A. How                       B. What                       C. Do                                      D. How often

15. Nam's dream is to become a         .

A. loser                        B. champion                C. contest                                D. gamer

16. We were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal.

A. play                        B. kick                         C. point                                   D. score

17. I _______ born on the first of May.

A. were                       B. was                         C. are                                       D. is

18. _______ much do you weigh?

A. Which                     B. Who                        C. What                                   D. How