Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 16
Số lượng câu trả lời 3
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

thu thủy
thu thủy

Exercise 3

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.


The most famous diary (0) in English was written by Samuel Pepys. It gives a detailed and interesting (1) _________   of everyday life in England (2) _________ 1660 and 1669. Peps write about important news stories of the time, like disease, an enemy navy (3) _________  up the River Thames and the Great Fire of London.

He also writes about himself, even about his (4) _________   he often slept during church or (5) _________   at the pretty girls. He describes his home life – a (6) _________   with his wife and how they became friends again, his worry about her illness. As well as books, he liked music, the theatre, card (7) _________   , and parties with good food and (8) _________   of fun. Pepys was a busy man who had many important (9) _________   he was a Member of Parliament and President of Royal Society. He is also (10) _________  for his work for the British navy.

0.  A. in

B. about

C. from

D. of

1.  A. description

B. letter

C. notice

D. story

2.  A. between

B. from

C. through

D. to

3.  A. driving

B. flying

C. running

D. sailing

4.  A. accidents

B. plans

C. dreams

D. faults

5.  A. looked

B. prayed

C. talked

D. thought

6.  A. conversation

B. discussion

C. quarrel

D. talk

7.  A. battles

B. games

C. matches

D. plays

8.  A. amount

B. plenty

C. much

D. some

9.  A. acts

B. hobbies

C. jobs

D. studies

10.  A. reviewed

B. remembered

C. reminded

D. reported

thu thủy

Exercise 4:

Read the text and decide whether the statements are TRUE, FALSE or DOESN’T SAY.

CouchSurfing – a different kind of travel experience
by Emma Jackson

I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I didn’t have much cash to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then a friend suggested an alternative: CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are people who stay as guests in other people’s homes for free, and visit the sights in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do, like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your host could give you a language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away.

A few days later, I already had ten replies. After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three different cities. I’m quite talkative and they seemed very friendly, so I wasn’t concerned about spending time with strangers. Two weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette.

Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very different homes, improved my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places where I stayed were basic –a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but sometimes they were luxurious – much nicer than the hostels that I usually go to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever had!

I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice since then: in Italy, and here in the UK. I’ll definitely do it again. In fact, I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing is a fantastic experience. Try it some time!


True / False /

Doen’t say

1. It was her first holiday in another country.
2. Emma’s friend was a regular ‘CouchSurfer’.
3. ‘CouchSurfers’ can spend time with the homeowners.

4. Half of the people who Emma emailed didn’t reply.
5. Two of the people she visited lived in the same city.
6. Emma went on holiday about a month after joining the website.

7. Emma is quite shy.
8. Emma had a nice bed to sleep in at all the places where she stayed.
9. Emma has now had three CouchSurfing holidays.
10. Claudette was Emma’s favourite host.

Exercise 5: WRITING









