Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hưng Yên , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 59
Số lượng câu trả lời 103
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 101

Người theo dõi (5)

Đang theo dõi (0)

1.  Jim thinks arranging flowers is more boring than ………………… stamps.

          A. buying             B. collecting          C. swimming        D. writing

2.  What does your mother often do ………………… her free time?

          A. for                    B. at                      C. in                     D. on

3.  She hates doing the gardening because she thinks it is …………………

          A. tired                 B. tiredness           C. tiring                D. tiredly

4.  Mum, I lost my shoes yesterday. – Don’t worry. I ………… you the new ones tomorrow.

          A. will buy           B. buy                  C. buys                 D. buying

5.  I see a ………………… doing the gardening over there.     

          A. collector           B. reporter            C. gardener           D. teacher

6. She puts all the stamps in an …………………                   

          A. apple                B. umbrella           C. egg                   D. album

7. Anna’s apartment is ………………… the fifth floor.

          A. on                    B. at                      C. of                     D. by

8.  Playing sports always gives you ………………… and makes you …………………

          A. pleasant/ healthy                            B. pleasure/ health

          C. pleasure/ healthy                            D. pleased/ healthy

9.  I’m sure you ………………… a chance to climb mountains next weekend.

          A. have                 B. will have          C. having              D. had

10.     “Have you made plans for the summer?”– “Yes, we ………………… to Spain.”

          A. go                    B. going                C. went                 D. will go

11.     Jogging is a/ an ………………… hobby.

          A. expensive         B. cheap               C. difficult            D. unusual

12.     “John is a better player than Martin, isn’t he?” –“Oh yes. He … the match tomorrow, I expect.”

          A. is winning        B. win                  C. wins                 D. will win

13.     Eating too much …………………. will be harmful for your health.

          A. vegetables        B. junk food         C. healthy food     D. fresh food