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Nguyễn Minh Anh

6/ Town______used to go through city streets, shouting about the things they wanted to sell.

   a. shouters                            b. criers                       c. singers                     d. dancers

7/ Messages that a person receives or send on the computer are______.

   a. data                                  b. information             c. e-mail                      d. texts

8/ Hoa Hoc Tro is one of the most______magazines for teenagers.

   a. like                                   b. dislike                     c. know                       d. popular

9/ Living in a far-away town I can’t get______to the Net easily.

   a. access                               b. work                        c. connect                    d. relation

10/ My parents always think that chatting on the internet is time -______;it ‘s a waste of time.

   a. spending                           b. worling                    c. consuming               d. getting

11/ Without a_____,you can not access to the internet.

   a. machine                            b. television                c. computer                 d. translator 

12/ The next stage of the______of Television is interactive TV

   a. revolution                         b. resolution                c. development           d. invention

13/ Thanks to television we can enjoy various international programs on different _____

   a. channels                           b. ways                        c. forms                       d. parts

14/ Television______can enjoy various interesting programs by selecting the right channels .

   a. lookers                             b. watchers                  c. viewers                    d. seers

15/ Throught television we can see and learn about people, places and things in _____ lands .

   a. near                                  b. next to                     c. faraway                   d. distance

16/ TV brings______and sound from around the world into millions of homes

   a. pictures                            b. images                     c. visages                    d. portraits

B Grammar & Structures.

17/ There are a lot of people here,______?

   a. are they                            b. are there                  c. aren’t there              d. aren’t they

18/ They had to go home,______?

   a. hadn’t they                       b. didn’t they              c. had they                  d. did they

19/ We should avoid_____our environment.

   a. to pollute                          b. polluting                c. polluted                   d. pollute

20/ He apologized for_______me______so long.

   a. keeping/ waiting    b. keep/ wait             c. keeping/ to wait     d. to keep/ waiting

21/ It ‘s too hot now. Why don’t we go_____?

   a. to swim                             b. swimming               c. swim                        d. to have swim

22/ Is it possible______you_____your office?

   a. to see/ at                           b. to see/ for                c. seeing/ at                 d. seeing/ for

23/ It takes me about two hours______to Vung Tau

   a. ride                                   b. riding                      c. to ride                      d. rode

24/  “ Do you think I should buy this suit?”       “______my opinion, it ‘s too expensive”

   a. In                                      b. To                            c. From                        d. For

25/ The neighbors complained______the noise.

   a. for                                     b. to                             c. about                       d. with

26/ Would you mind______me how to use this machine?

   a. to show                             b. showing                   c. show                        d. to have shown

27/ Let ‘s go to the cinema tonight,______?

   a. don’t we                           b. let we                      c. shan’t we                 d. shall we           

28/ This book isn’t very interesting,______?

   a. isn’t it                               b. is it                          c. is this                       d. isn’t this

29/ Tom has never written to you,______?  

   a. hasn’t he                           b. has he                      c. hasn’t Tom              d. has Tom

30/ Mr. Brown needs to leave right now,______?

   a. needn’t he                        b. doesn’t he               c. need he                    d. does he

31/ Everything is all right,______?

   a. isn’t every thing               b. is every thing          c. is it                          d. isn’t it

32/ He refused______with me.

   a. go                                     b. to go                        c. going                       d. having gone

33/ He offered______me his notebook.

   a. lend                         b. lending                c. to lend                     d. having lend

34/ John, stop______at those magazines and pay attention.

   a. look                         b. to look                 c. looking                    d. to having looked

35/ Have you even thought_____moving to another town?

   a. from                        b. of                         c. at                             d. by

36/ I ‘ll do the cooking when I have finished______the floor.

   a. clean                       b. cleaning               c. to cleaned                d. cleaned

37/ The nurse suggested_____two aspirins.

   a. to take                     b. take                      c. taking                                  d. being taken

38/ We can’t depend______his help. We have to do the work______ourselves

   a. on/ by                          b. on/ with                        c. by/ with                   d. with/ by

39/ How much time do you spend______a web a day?

   a. to surf                         b. surfing                          c. surf                          d. to have surfed

40/ Listen to what Iam saying,______?

   a. don’t you                          b. do you                   c. will you                     d. can you

1/ Would you close the door, please ?          

- Would you mind _____________________________________?

            2/ They didn’t allow us to smoke in here.

- They didn’t let ______________________________________

            3/ My teacher advised buying that book.      

- My teacher advised us ________________________________.

            4/ He has studied English for six years.        

- He began __________________________________________.

            5/ It is necessary to master English.  

- Mastering __________________________________________.

            6/ He spent two hours writing the essay.       

- It took _____________________________________________.

            7/ He expects to hear from her as soon as possible.

- He is looking forward _________________________________________.

   8/I would like you to help me to put the chairs away?

- Do you mind_________________________________________________?

   9/Don’t forget that you have to do this homework.

-Please remember ______________________________________________

10/Don’t ask so many questions.

-Please stop ____________________________________________________

   11/I think we’ve discussed phrasal verbs enough now.

-Let’s stop______________________________________________________

   12/They haven’t played chess for a long time.

-They stopped ___________________________________________________

   13/He hasn’t smoked for 3 years.

-  He stopped___________________________________________________