Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 1
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

I. Choose the word, which is pronounced differently from the others.

1.      A. village            B. shrine                      C. river                        D. picnic

2.      A. entrance         B. banyan                    C. hamburger               D. snack

3.      A. tired               B. enjoyed                   C. reached                   D. arrived

4.      A. bamboo          B. afternoon                C. food                                    D. foot

5.      A. town               B. grown                      C. mountain                 D. down

6.      A. qualify           B. scenery                    C. grocery                    D. academy

7.      A. speak             B. need                        C. heart                        D. read

8.      A. praticed          B. learned                    C. asked                       D. watched

9.      A. teacher           B. ready                                   C. speaker                    D. easily

10.    A. hard               B. delicious                              C. wonderful               D. grandmother

11.    A. village            B. right                         C. sights                       D. flight

12.    A. trains              B. stamps                     C. hotels                      D. caves

13.    A. visited            B. wanted                    C. decided                   D. looked

14.    A. about             B. found                      C. bought                     D. south

15.    A. ate                 B. banyan                    C. late                          D. taken

16.    A. city                             B. river                        C. trip                          D. shrine

17.    A. lively                          B. style                                    C. poetry                      D. symbol

18.    A. music                         B. musical                    C. musician                  D. climate

19.    A. nation                         B. pay                          C. pray                         D. says

20.    A. seemed                       B. arrived                     C. divided                    D. prayed

21. A. dump                B. junkyard                 C. pollute                     D. adult           

22. A. changes             B. aches                       C. washes                    D. oranges

23. A. lakes                 B. roofs                      C. steps                                    D. taxis

24. A. walked              B. practised                  C. pleased                    D. missed

25. A. wicked              B. needed                    C. arrived                     D. collected

26. A. pages                 B. tops                         C. necks                       D. this

27. A. played               B. cooked                    C. talked                      D. laughed  

28. A. watches             B. trees                                    C. buses                       D. sentences

29. A. roofs                 B. boards                     C. hangs                       D. clothes

30. A. hanged              B. earned                     C. noted                       D. cleaned

31. A. out                    B round                       C. about                       D. would

32. A. chair                  B. check                      C. machine                  D. child

33. A. too                    B. soon                        C. good                        D. food

34. A. though              B. enough                    C. cough                      D. rough

35. A. happy                B. hour                        C. high                                     D. hotel