Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 12
Số lượng câu trả lời 23
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 11

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Đang theo dõi (0)

1.      They ________ many funny jokes.

a. know                          b. knew                                 c. knows

2.      She ________ badly last night.

a. sleep                          b. sleeps                                c. slept           

3.      _________ you read the newspaper yesterday?

a. Did                             b. Do                                    c. Does

1.      What time _________ you get up yesterday?

a. did                             b. do                                     c. does

2.      The farmers _________ grain in March.

a. sow                            b. sowed                               c. sows

3.      ________ you at the concert last Sunday?

a. Were                          b. Was                                  c. Be

4.      How many lecturers on economics ________ you usually have?

a. did                             b. do                                     c. does

5.      He ________ many poems when he was at school.

a. knows                        b. know                                 c. knew

6.      She ________ Swedish well.

a. spoke                                     b. speaks                               c. speak

7.      The Polish team ________ the last football match in Warsaw.

a. won                            b. win                                   c. wins

8.      Last night we _________ dinner at seven o’clock.

a. ate                              b. eat                                     c. eats

9.      Harry _________ me his best tie last night.

a. lend                            b. lent                                   c. lends

10.  We usually ________ supper at half past eight.

a. have                           b. had                                    c. has

A. Complete the sentences

1.      She (go) ……….to Australia in 1994 and she liked it very much.

2.      My father usually (like)……………. his steak well-done.

3.      The dog (eat) ………….its toy last night.

4.      The policeman (talk)……………. to the burglar yesterday.

5.       (you/ have) ………….a test last week?

6.      I often see her mother but she never (speak)………….. to me.

7.      The gentleman (speak) ………………to his servant 2 hours ago.

8.      The kangaroo always (carry) …………………its baby.

9.      My friend (talk) ………………a lot every day.

10.  The man (drive)………………… to the supermarket last weekend.

11.  My brothers (leave)……………….. for England last week.

12.  My sisters (leave) ………………for England every year in June.

13.  I don’t like that man because he often (laugh)………….. at me.

14.  Her sister never…………….. (smoke).

15.  The cat usually (leave) ……………its basket when it is hungry.

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