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Minh Nhân


The most important celebration holiday in China is the Lunar New Year. At this time, shops are closed. People celebrate by having parties, by paying friendly phone calls to their neighbors, and
by visiting the temples or pagodas to make promise for the New Year. Children walk through the streets, carrying colourful lanterns and paper figures. Fireworks are also set off to light up the
sky. The time of the New Year is also the time at which Chinese people decorate their homes for example, the windows, which are made of thick rice paper are torn down and new ones are put up. This is also the time during which people pay their debts. Everyone tries to settle all his bills before the beginning of the New Year. Before New Year’s Eve, people make their homes attractive by decorating them with flowers and plants, and hanging brightly- coloured decorations.
22. This passage as a whole is about ………… .
A. the Chinese New Year                 B. paying debts
C. China                                            D. New Year’s promises
23. The Lunar New Year is …………. . .
A. an important Chinese holiday B. the time for having large meals
C. a special time for children D. the time when no one is in debt
24. What can we infer from the passage?
A. The Chinese New Year is happy.
B. The Chinese have only one holiday.
C. The Chinese New Year celebration lasts seven days.
D. People don’t go to church during the Chinese New Year.
25. Which of these sentences is NOT true?
A. Chinese houses are made of paper.
B. Fireworks are set off to light up the sky.
C. Chinese people pay debts at New Year’s.
D. People also decorate the windows.
26. How can people make their homes attractive?
A. By decorating them with flowers and plants, and hanging brightly-coloured decorations
B. By decorating them with flowers and plants.
C. By decorating them with brightly-coloured decorations.
D. By hanging brightly-coloured decorations outside their homes.


Read the passage and choose the correct answers (A,B,C or D ) to fill in the blanks.
The most important celebration holiday in China is the Lunar New Year. At this time, shops are closed. People celebrate by having parties, by paying friendly phone calls to their neighbors, and
by visiting the temples or pagodas to make promise for the New Year. Children walk through the streets, carrying colourful lanterns and paper figures. Fireworks are also set off to light up the
sky. The time of the New Year is also the time at which Chinese people decorate their homes for example, the windows, which are made of thick rice paper are torn down and new ones are put up. This is also the time during which people pay their debts. Everyone tries to settle all his bills before the beginning of the New Year. Before New Year’s Eve, people make their homes attractive by decorating them with flowers and plants, and hanging brightly- coloured decorations.
22. This passage as a whole is about ………… .
A. the Chinese New Year                 B. paying debts
C. China                                            D. New Year’s promises
23. The Lunar New Year is …………. . .
A. an important Chinese holiday B. the time for having large meals
C. a special time for children D. the time when no one is in debt
24. What can we infer from the passage?
A. The Chinese New Year is happy.
B. The Chinese have only one holiday.
C. The Chinese New Year celebration lasts seven days.
D. People don’t go to church during the Chinese New Year.
25. Which of these sentences is NOT true?
A. Chinese houses are made of paper.
B. Fireworks are set off to light up the sky.
C. Chinese people pay debts at New Year’s.
D. People also decorate the windows.
26. How can people make their homes attractive?
A. By decorating them with flowers and plants, and hanging brightly-coloured decorations
B. By decorating them with flowers and plants.
C. By decorating them with brightly-coloured decorations.
D. By hanging brightly-coloured decorations outside their homes.


Jack is my best friend. He is a teacher. HE is teaching in a school in London. Every morning, he
gets up at about 7 o’clock, has breakfast and a cup of coffee. Then he leaves for work. The school
is far from his home, so he can’t walk there. He must go by bus. He has lunch at a restaurant
nearby. In the afternoon he works until 5 or 5.30 and then he goes home. He doesn’t work on
Saturdays or Sundays. He goes to the cinema or theatre. He is married and he has a son. He loves
his family. They are very happy.
12. What is Jack’s job:
A. a student. B. a teacher. C. a writer. D. a doctor.
13. What’s his favorite drink:
A. milk B. coffee C. tea D. lemonade
14. How does he go to work:
A. by car B. on foot C. by taxi D. by bus
15. Where does he have lunch:
A. at home B. at work C. at school D. at a restaurant
16. What time does he go home:
A. after 5:00 B. after 5:30 C. both A and B D. 4:00
17. How many children does he have:
A. one B. two C. three D. a lot
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
My name’s Quan. One of my best friends is Phong. He is my classmate and we always go to
school together.
Phong is twelve. He’s tall and rather thin. He has short curly black hair and brown eyes. Phong
is funny and outgoing. I like being with him because he always makes me laugh. He is also very
sporty and plays football and basketball very well. We often play basketball and football at the
weekend. He loves music and he plays the guitar. I don’t play any instruments but I love music
too. Phong doesn’t like computer games. He likes playing with his friends in the street.
Phong is a very good student. His favourite subject is Maths. He’s not good at Science but he
studies hard to pass it.
18. How old is Phong?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
Câu 24: What does Phong look like?
A. He is tall and thin. B. He is tall and fat.
C. He is funny and outgoing. D. He likes to play the guitar.
19. Phong has …………………..
A. long black hair and brown eyes
B. curly black hair and brown eyes
C. black eyes and short hair
D. brown eyes and straight black hair
20. What is he like?
A. He is tall and thin B. He likes sports.
C. He is funny and outgoing. D. His hair is short and curly.
21. What subject is Phong very good at?
A. Maths B. Science
C. Maths and Science D. Computer