Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 55
Số lượng câu trả lời 2
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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II.  Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences.

      1.   Drivers have to            their seatbelt whenever they drive.

            A. put                          B. tie                           C. fasten                      D. put on

      2.   We should wait for the traffic lights                before we cross the street.

            A. turn green               B. to turn green C. turn yellow                       D. to turn yellow

      3.   All of us have to obey             strictly.

            A. traffic rules             B. traffic                     C. traffic jam               D. regular

      4.   Cyclists and motorists have to wear a             when they ride a motorbike.

            A. hard hat                  B. cap                          C. mask                       D. helmet

      5.   He forgot to give a                   before he turned left and got a ticket.

            A. signal                      B. sign                         C. light                        D. hand

      6.               does it take you to get to Ho Chi Minh City by plane? - About 2 hours.

            A. How far                  B. How much              C. How long                D. How many

      7.   There                a bus station in the city centre, but it has been moved to the suburbs.

            A. used to be               B. used to have            C. use to have              D. were

      8.   I            marbles when I was young, but now I didn’t.

            A. play                        B. used to play            C. have played         D. didn’t use to play

      9.   “          is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?” - “About 50 meters’

            A. How far                  B. How long                C. How often              D. How much