Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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1. They_________ Ho Chi Minh City last summer.

A. have visited                               B. visit                                   C. visited

2. Workers loved _________ jeans because the material was very strong.

A. wear                                          B. wearing                             C. wore

3. He often goes to the ________ to pray because his religion is Buddhism.

A. mosque                                     B. church                               C. pagoda

4. She said she was studying English _________.

A. now                                          B. next day                             C. then

5. My friend told me she_________ leave the city the following day.

A. has to                                        B. would have to                     C. will have to

6. I wish my brother _________ a billionaire.

A. were                                          B. will be                                C. is

7. Lan: “Why don’t we stay with an American family?” – Toan: “_________________”

A. That’s a good idea.                     B. Yes, please.                       C. I disagree. Let’s do that.

8. I _________ live in this house.

A. am used to                                 B. get used to                          C.  didn’t use to

9. If she doesn’t come, we _________ without her.

A. can go                                        B. would go                            C. went