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Exercise 5: Read the text again. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

Last year my boyfriend Mark was forty and I wanted to get him a special present for his birthday. Just before Christmas I saw tickets for a Bruce Springsteen concert for sale on the internet. The concert was in Sheffield, about 25 miles away from where we live, and Mark is a big fan of Bruce Springsteen so I decided to buy two tickets. They weren’t cheap – I think I paid around £90 for each one. I wanted to surprise Mark, so I didn’t tell him about it.
On the day of the concert, I told Mark that I wanted to do some Christmas shopping in Sheffield. We left in my car just after lunch and spent the afternoon in a big shopping centre. I bought Christmas presents for my family and a skirt for work. Mark looked for some new jeans, but he couldn’t find any that he liked. By the time we finished shopping it was nearly 6 p.m. and we were hungry so we had dinner in a Japanese restaurant. After dinner we left the shopping centre and set off on our way home. On the way we passed the concert hall and we could see the crowds of fans outside. Mark was really surprised when I drove into the concert hall car park and gave him the tickets!
The concert was fantastic. We danced all night and Mark took lots of photos on his mobile phone. Afterwards we bought a concert CD. We put it on when we got in the car and we sang all of the songs as we drove home. We didn’t get back home until nearly one o’clock in the morning and we were both really tired, but it was a great night and Mark really enjoyed his surprise

1. Debbie thought the tickets were expensive.
2. Mark and Debbie live in Sheffield.
3. Mark bought some jeans.
4. They had dinner at a restaurant in the shopping centre.
5. They drove to the concert hall from the shopping centre.
6. They sat while they watched the concert.
7. Mark used a video camera to film the concert.
8. They arrived home late.

Exercise 4: Read the text and tick (✓) A, B, or C.
Last year my boyfriend Mark was forty and I wanted to get him a special present for his birthday. Just before Christmas I saw tickets for a Bruce Springsteen concert for sale on the internet. The concert was in Sheffield, about 25 miles away from where we live, and Mark is a big fan of Bruce Springsteen so I decided to buy two tickets. They weren’t cheap – I think I paid around £90 for each one. I wanted to surprise Mark, so I didn’t tell him about it.
On the day of the concert, I told Mark that I wanted to do some Christmas shopping in Sheffield. We left in my car just after lunch and spent the afternoon in a big shopping centre. I bought Christmas presents for my family and a skirt for work. Mark looked for some new jeans, but he couldn’t find any that he liked. By the time we finished shopping it was nearly 6 p.m. and we were hungry so we had dinner in a Japanese restaurant. After dinner we left the shopping centre and set off on our way home. On the way we passed the concert hall and we could see the crowds of fans outside. Mark was really surprised when I drove into the concert hall car park and gave him the tickets!
The concert was fantastic. We danced all night and Mark took lots of photos on his mobile phone. Afterwards we bought a concert CD. We put it on when we got in the car and we sang all of the songs as we drove home. We didn’t get back home until nearly one o’clock in the morning and we were both really tired, but it was a great night and Mark really enjoyed his surprise.
1. Debbie bought the tickets as ___ present.
A. a Christmas B. a birthday C. an expensive
2. She bought the tickets ___.
A. at a shopping centre B. at the concert hall C. on the internet
3. They arrived in Sheffield in the ___.
A. morning B. afternoon C. evening
4. Debbie didn’t buy ___.
A. presents B. a skirt C jeans
5. They had something to eat ___ the concert.
A. before B during C after
6. Debbie gave the tickets to Mark ___.
A. at the restaurant B in the concert hall C in the car park
7. They ___ on the way back to their house.
A. listened to the radio B. sang Bruce Springsteen songs C. talked about the concert

Exercise 2: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences.
1. Chopin and Mozart __________ famous composers.
A. were B. was C. are D. is
2. __________ your mother born in India?
A. is B. be C. was D. were
3. Joan of Arc __________English. She was French.
A. doesn’t B. weren’t C. was D. wasn’t
4. He __________ yesterday because he __________ ill.
A. worked .... was B. didn’t work ... was
C. worked ... wasn’t D. didn’t work ... wasn’t
5. We __________ out very often.
A. do eat B. don’t eat C. didn’t ate D. eats
6. Mike __________ fit by playing tennis regularly.
A. keeps B. keeping C. don’t keep D. keep
7. My father __________ to smoke when he __________ young.
A. used ... did B uses ... was C. used ... were D. used ... was
8. He __________ me some flowers for my birthday.
A. bought B. buys C. didn’t bought D. is bought
9. When __________ mobile phones first __________?
A. do ... appear B. did ... appear C. did ... appeared D. do ... appeared
10. I __________ swimming two years ago.
A. didn’t liked B. like C. not like D. didn’t like
11. The concert features dancers and __________ of all nationalities.
A. musicians B. actors C. scientists D. painters
12. He went __________ a walk around the block to get some air.
A. out B. for C. up D. off
13. I __________ food poisoning at that cheap little seafood restaurant.
A. took B. went C. got D. did
14. He’s the highest-paid __________ in Hollywood films.
A. explorer B. writer C. actor D. sailor
15. Why didn’t you wait __________ the bus?
A. to B. at C. in D. for