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Unit 7 : My neighourhood : Test 2

Câu hỏi:

REVISION FOR THE FIRST MID-TERM TEST I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. ride 2. a. pasture 3. d. cattle 4. a. generous 5. a. worked b. excite b. vast b. circular b. ger b. watched c. ridden c. brave C. Country c. grassland c. relaxed II. Choose the best answer a, b, c ord to complete the sentence. 1. The Dao in the Sapa area is famous a. for 2. The Thai live a. in 3. The b. in its "love market." c. with d. beehive d. farm d. collect d. guess d. crowded 25% d. to farming on their bumt-over land and wet-rice terraced fields. b. on c. out d. up house is a place where villagers gather for festivals and rituals. a. terraced b. splendid 4. There were lots of interesting folk games,. Kenny stayed a little longer to join them. C. communal d. thatched a, bur b. because a. What c. however dress in red and black costume?" "The Dao' b. Which c. Who d. so 5. d. When III. Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. Most ethnic groups live in rural areas, growing rice and practising slash-and-burn farm. A B C D 2. The Muong people are the ethnic minority who live in the mountainous regions of Vietnam. A B C D 3. We have recently visited some of the remote communities in the north highlands. A B C D 4. Youth Ngai women did not receive the inheritance after their parents died. A B C D 5. The Ta Oi managed preserving their proverbs. folk songs, and stories. A B C IV. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Many ethnic groups managed to live together (peace) 2. How often is the Gong Festival 3. The 4. The ? (celebrate) of people in Vietnam belong to the Kinh people. (major) house is the place where village ceremonies and festivals take place. (commune) is a traditional folk art of the Miao people. (embroider)