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Luyện tập tổng hợp

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I. Supply the correct word forms

1. He is a ___________ boy. He is always asking questions. (Curiosity)

2. All the pupils have done the exercises ___________. (easy)

3. Keep ________! The teacher is explaining the lesson.(silence)

4. Be __________ in your work. (care)

5. Time passes ____________ when you are alone (slow)

6. He drives _______________. He rarely has accident. (care)

7. Ho Chi Minh city is an important ______________ centre (commerce)

8. We have a __________ newspaper in this town (week)

9. This exercise seems _________ (difficulty)

10. Mrs Green can help Alice to make a good _____________ (choose)

11. He has _____________ bought a new car (recent)

12. How _____________the dress is! (expense)

13. How _________- those shopwindow are! (beauty)

14. She has finished her best ____________ (perform)

15. The cartoon last night was very ______________ (interest)

16. She _________________ goes to the movies with her younger sister (frequency)

17. Last night the singer sang very _______________ (good)

18. The story is about an ___________ trip (excite)

19. In May the days often _____________ (long)

20. He got rid of the _____________ by opening a window (smell)

21. Nobody shoed them to their ______________ (sit)

22. Helen speaks English very ______________ (fluent)

23. This is the most _______________ machine in our field (value)

24. We can keep the land in ___________ condition by killing weeds (well)

25. Jack plays footbal _________________ (splendid)

26. The ball was followed with great _______________ (excite)

27. That was an ______________ match, wasn’t it? I was ___________ to see it (excite)

28. _________ is a good career. I want to become a _____________ (teach)

29. Rubber trees are very _____________ (use)

30. Sports are very good for our _______________ (healthy)

31. Who will take _________ of the baby when you go away? (careful)

32. Don’t worry about her ___________ (complain)

33. What is the real ____________ of the house? (wide)

34. I want to make new dresses but I don’t have a ___________ machine. (sew)

35. She danced so __________ that the audience clapper their hands many times (beauty)

36. I’ll have Tom repair our electric _________ (cook)

37. Water has no colour. It is a ___________ liquid (colour)

38. Please don’t make _______________ (noisy)

39. Mr Green works in this factory as a shop __________ (keep)

40. Ky Hoa lake is one of the areas of ___________ (entertain)

41. Butter is one of the __________ of milk (produce)

42. He is a ___________ person. He often makes me laugh (fun)

43. I want to know how people ___________ New Year in your country. (celebration)

44. On Christmas day, I often send my close friends _________ cards (greet)

45. He is a famous __________ in this country. (act)

46. He often writes stories. He is a ___________ (write)

47. These flowers look __________ (nature)

48. It’s not ______________ to answer this question. (difficulty)

49. His play were ____________ on the stage in London (performance)

50. The film is __________ so I’m _____________ (bore)

51. The Sword lake is one of __________ places in Hanoi (history)

52. He devoted all his ______________ to writing (live)

53. How ___________ the street is (danger)

54. She lives ______________ although she is very poor (happy)

55. I’ll help you to ____________ some beautiful paintings (choice)

56. The love for book is _____________ in developing the pupils’ knowledge (help)

57. This public library is ________________ to all people (open)

58. Books help people to get more ____________ (know)

59. ___________ countries need help from _______________ ones (develop)

60. This stamp ____________ is valuable.

61. The person who takes care of books in the library is a ____________ (library)

62. He is very _________ (friend)

63. She smiles so _____________, doesn’t she? (attract)

64. My ____________ for your skill is great (admire)

65. We all held our breath because of that ________________ film (thrill)

66. I only had a day to visit all the tourist ___________ (attract)

67. They ride their bicycles to the countryside for _______________ (please)

68. Red ________ comunist countries (symbol)

69. May Day is celebrated regularly in ______________ countries (society)

70. He lost the game because of his ________ (care)

71. The teacher stressed the need for regular ________________ (attend)

72. The cost of __________ must be paid by the buyer (carry)

73. Our _________ from London to Sydney took 24 hours (fly)

74. The police are interested in the sudden __________ of the valuable painting (appear)

75. The master gave Oliver Twist a terrible _____________ (punish)

76. He gave no _____________ for his absence (explain)

77. They were happy because their work has finished ____________ (success)

78. To prepare his ____________ works, Karl Marx often spent whole days in the library of the British Museum (science)

79. He is respected for his ______________ (simple)

80. They had made a lot of ___________ before the game started (prepare)

81. Manchester players have been trying to score another goal, but their efforts are ________ (succeed)

82. We must make _______ for his youth.

83. An _________ man has stolen all our money (know)

84. Two of these tablets should be taken ____________ (day)

85. Dogs are very _____________ pets (faith)

86. The Thames flows _____________ through green meadows (gentle)

87. Relax in our ___________ chairs and enjoy our excellent tea and hot chocolate (comfort)

88. I’m so __________ you’re going to visit my country (please)

89. What a naughty boy! He always does things ____________ (noise)

90. There were ten _________ in the race (complete)

91. His ___________ makes his parents feel sad (lazy)

92. You should _________ to your teacher (apology)

93. Jack is _____________ of his essay on the Thames (pride)

94. Paris is ________________ for the Eiffel tower (fame)

95. He worked hard to _________ good crops from poor soil (product)

96. How ____________ of you to break that cup! (care)

97. His long ______________ made us bored and sleepy (speak)

98. He never takes his father’s ___________ (advise)

99. They sat ___________ by the stream (quiet)

100. To my __________, the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me (amaze)

101. _____________ air and water are not good for our health (pollute)

102. Air ________ makes us unhealthy (pollute)

103. The ___________ of the people in our community with the government is very necessary (cooperate)

104. The paper mill _________ two tons of paper a day. Its ____________ is one of the highest in our province. (produce)

105. My new car is more ____________ than the one I had before (economy)

106. Nothing could ________ him (satisfaction)

107. She got great _______ of helping others (satisfy)

108. There have been many __________ developments in the field of science (wonder)

109. Many people say that _______ is the happiest time (child)

110. We didnn’t agree with his ___________ (decide)

111. Most orphans are bred in _____________ (orphan)

112. Thousands of people were made __________ by th war (home)

113. Mrs Brown lived lonely in her _____________ (poor)

114. He was ____________ because he could not pay his debts (sadness)

115. Dickens’ novels were first ___________ in 1838 (publish)

116. I really don’t think he has the _____________ to do this job (able)

117. They work ____________ (good)

118.  _________________ covers the sky at night (dark)

119. Hard work always brings ___________ (succeed)

120. He was very ___________. He was a ________________ (patriotism)

121. ______________ methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal (science)

122. Mr Hung went ______________ last Sunday (shop)

123. These abbreviations are ____________ used in writing letters (common)

124. I would recommend that you should be interested in reading ________ books and magazine (education)

125. John is old enough to be _____________ of his parents (depend)

126. It takes years of _________ to acquire the skill of a ballet dancer (practice)

127. These questions are _____________. John can _____________ answer them (ease)

128. A spaceman must learn to become accustomed to __________ in a spaceship (weight)

129. Make sure that your time is spent __________ (use)

130. I’m __________ in your project because it is ______________ interest.

131. The teacher often _________ the students to ask questions (courage)

132. I can’t jump any ___________ (height)

133. The new law will ________________ many women to return to work.

134. Many people think that Faraday is the greatest ___________ in history (invent)

135. It was one of his most important _____________(achieve)

136. _______________ is often more useful than definition for giving the meanings of words (illustrate)

137. The boy was given a prize for regular ________ (attend)

138. His discoveries had a great _______________ on workers (influential)

139. Where were the competitions _________ (organization)

140. The representatives joining the festival were different from ___________ (national)

141. They have a good ________ with their neight bours (relative)

142. He left for a ______________ of reason (vary)

143. You can bust him, He is always __________, and evevrything he says is ___________ (truth)

144. Many of buildings in the city were moved to make way for _________ (develop)

145. She has been very _______________ since her husband died (poverty)

146. We should learn all the new words by hear in order to _____________ our vocabulary (rich)

147. The little boy felt very _____________ because his parents didn’r let him go with them (disappoint)

148. She can’t go to school because of her _____________ (sick)

149. The _________ of that little girl makes the room more pleasant (present)

150. ____________ is a problem throughout the world (hungry)

151. Clever students ___________ knowledge easily (absorption)

152. With so many choices, it’s hard to __________ what to buy. (decision)

153. The village is very quiet and _______________ (peace)

154. All my efforts ended in _______________ (fail)

155. I was ___________ about the dates (confusion)

156. You should have a _______________ about scientific subjects if you want to be a scientist (curious)

157. Children need to have a good ______________ (educate)

158. __________ puzzles are funny (mathematics)

159. You don’t need to have a ___________ memory to be a scientist (mircle)

160. Our school team won three _________________ games (succession)

161. A scientist does not need a miraculous _____________ (memorize)

162. It will take a long time to find out a thorough ___________ to the problem of pollution (solve)

163. Traveling by train is very __________ (attract)

164. _______ have researched _________ subjects (science)

165. Countless _________ have been made in the textile industry (improve)

166. His father is an _______________ (architecture)

167. The _________ of world population is being studied (grow)

168. Japan is an ______________ country (industry)

169. She’s so busy with _____________ activities that she has no time for entertainment (society)

170. Every _____________ in science helps you gain new knowledge (succeed)

171. Coke is a __________ of cola flavour, water carbon dioxide and sugar (mix)

172. Some experts say cycling is one of the _____________ form of exercise. (safety)

173. Is there any ________ to treat her so badly? (necessary)

174. After the hot summer, there was a ___________ of water (short)

175. The _________ will make him a rich man (inherit)

176. The ______________ to the questions are at the back of the book (solve)

177. I’ll give you three sweets in ___________ for an apple (exchange)

178. In some countries, black people do not have ____________ with white people (equal)

179. Can you ____________ life withoout electricity and other modern conveniences? (imagination)

180. Mrs Tam has just bought a __________ object. It doesn’t cost even a pence. (value)

181. The United Nations _______ is an international one (organize)

182. Banks make loans to ______________ (borrow)

183. Banks provide _____________ which make it easier for us to pay bills and carry on business (serve)

184. The ___________ unit in France was the Fanc (money)

185. I’m worried about the _____________ of the children (safe)

186. What do you call the __________ relations among countries? (nation)

187. This restaurant is _______ for its western meals (fame)

188. They all passed their exams without the slightest ______________ (difficult)

189. Applied sciences have ____________ our homes (electrification)

190. The _____________ of a famous doctor was announced last night (die)

191. Don’t leave the lights on. It wastes __________  (electric)

192. These countries are ________ in imports of raw cotton (prefer)

193. The ___________ of the moon for the earth causes the tides (attract)

194. We ____________ go out for dinner but we cook our own meals most of the time (occasion)

195. Travelling a lot will __________ our minds (broad)

196. In some countries, _________________ has made young people buy thing they don’t need (advertise)

197. I can say with ____________ that you have made much progress in learning English (certain)

198. The company is very efficient and gives a ____________ service (speed)

199. You are very _________________ (intelligence)

200. People must have ______________ for the air pollution (responsible

201. Special drugs should be __________ and dispened carefully (manufacture)

202. Do you like _____________? (chemist)

203. We have some _______________ for typist (vacant)

204. He often went to work late, _____________ he was sacked (consequence)

205. He was __________ because of his illness (absence)

206. They looked at him in _____________ (astonish)

207. They live with a great ___________ belief (religion)

208. Please don’t ask such ______________ question (person)

209. He is __________ with his new job (satisfy)

210. This sun block lotion gives good ________ against harmful ultraviolet rays (protect)

211. She was too _________ to tell her teacher about the stupid mistakes (shame)

212. This photo has just been ______________ (large)

213. He always feels _______ in class because of his laziness (sleep)

214. She failed the driving test because she didn’t follow the guidance of driving ____________ (instruct)

215. He ______________ agreed to my suggestion (ready)

216. The island is _______________ only by boat (access)

217. They spent all their money and made no ______________ for their future (provide)

218. When foreigners ask him, he answers in English __________ (automatic)

219. What he has explained about that problem is _________________. (reason)

220. You must always tell the ______________ (true)

221. The girl looked __________ for a moment and then answered (think)

222. The country’s _______________ resources include forests, coal and oil (nature)

223. The agency offers practical _________ to people starting their own business (guide)

224. There is a __________ to overcome the problems (determined)

225. We were ______________ that she would be angry (fear)

226. These closures will mean _____________ for about 500 workers (employ)

227. The house was ______________ with people (crowd)

228. I’m ___________ sorry for the delay (extreme)

229. Because of his love for teaching, David would ___________ his teaching career (continuous)

230. It is often useful to make a ____________ between two things (compare)

231. He was __________ for the job by a committee (selection)

232. ___________ compounds are often used for fertilizers (chemist)

233. The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different _______ chemicals (poison)

234. Many ____________ developed countries spend much money preventing environmental pollution (industry)

235. Our atmosphere is becoming more and more ____________ (contaminate)

236. It is __________ to drive on the left in Vietnam (legal)

237. Can you ______________ what this word means? (explanation)

238. American women are used to being ____________ (independence)

239. We’d love to take up your ___________ to visit you some time. (invite)

240. You should spend your money __________  (economy)

241. The accident ________ him for life (deaf)

242. The workers have to know the ___________ of these devices (intense)

243. He has stood for two hors outside of the __________ room (surgery)

244. Skilled workers are ___________ admitted (prefer)

245. She’s conservative. She dowsn’t want any _____________ (transform)

246. A few diseases are still _________ in the world (treat)

247. Treating diseases by the laser is really a _________ (miraculously)

248. He always tells lies. His words are ______________ (value)

249. The dog took __________ in the fire (satisfy)

250. There was no keen _________ between the dog and the man (intimate)

251. Don’t ____________ bad habits in a child (courage)

252. Don’t be so ____________. We’ve only been waiting a few minutes (patient)

253. No one can measure the ______________ of this river (deep)

254. The town is _________ situated on the River Ouse (attract)

255. Playing the piano well is one of his greatest ___________ (satisfy)

256. The plane arrived __________ after a violent storm (safe)

257. When did __________ come to the village? (electric)

258. These snakes will not cause you any serious _________ enven if they bite you. They are ____________ (harm)

259. She is an ______________ mother in a few weeks more (expect)

260. He has no ______________ of leaving the city (intend)

261. Some children have to suffer from lifetime ________________ (abnormal)

262. Women nowadays have more _________ to participate in socia activities (free)

263. If you burn the garbage, it’ll give off __________ odour (poison)

264. We can prevent flood by ______________ the forests (preserve)

265. I like your new ____________ machine (calculate)

266. May I borrow your ___________? (calculate)

267. I’m ____________ money to buy a bicycle, so I’m a ______________ and my money ___________ (save)

268. ______________ is my hobby. I often have a __________ when I’m free (swim)

269. Farmers can help ________ the soil by adding fertilizers (rich)

270. Banking is the business of receiving ___________, and lending the money. (safeguard)

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