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Help me!

1.La Tomatina is.................... on the last Wednesday every August.          (celebrate)

2. The Christmas season is also called the .......................... season.                    (festival)

3. I felt.......................  after I watched a horror film.                                          (frighten)

4. The result of her last English test was                 .                                (surprise)

5. Despite being so young, he performs               .                                   (excellent)

6. My dad  ...  drives me to school.            (usual)

7. How about                 to school with me tomorrow?                            (cycle)

8. We must always obey traffic rules for our                 .                        (safe)

9. It’s five kilometers from my home village to the               town.       (near)

10. You should give a                 before you turn left or right.               (sign)

III. Complete each sentence with the correct tense or form of the verb in parentheses.

1. His friend really ________  thrillers despite his timidity.                            (enjoy)

2. How many films about Vietnamese history ________  so far? - About five.(she/ watch)

3. My brother used ________  to work by car. Now he cycles.                       (go)

 4. Children must ________ about road safety before they are allowed to ride a bike to school.                                                                                                                    (learn)

 5. Although they have a lot of time, they ________  their exercises yet.    (not, finish)

6. We ________  the festival because we would like to see elephants racing. (choose)

7. It ________  about 5 km from my house to the nearest train station.        (be)

8. The acting was excellent, and I laughed from ________ to end.               (begin)

9. Did you ________  your grandparents last week? – Yes, I did.                (visit)

10. The Festival of the Sun ________ on June 24th.                                      (hold) 

IV. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, or do as directed.

1. not very far/ Ha Noi/ Noi Bai Airport. (Make a complete sentence from the words given)


2. How/ be/ it/ your school/ the playground? – It/ be/ about 500 meters. (Make a complete sentence from the words given)


3. My brother wore glasses when he was young. (Rewrite the sentence, using used to)


4. There did not use to be many big buildings before.

Now there are .................................................................................................................................

5. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

Did you use .....................................................................................................................................

6. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (Make one sentence from two sentences, using although)


7. He didn’t win an Oscar for Best Actor although he performed excellently.

Despite .............................................................................................................................................

8. your/ did/ it/ How long/ finish/ to/ take/ you/ homework?/  – Two hours./ (Rearrange these words to make a complete question)


9. She likes watching comedy. (Make a question for the underlined part)


10. She felt entertained when she watched a gripping film. (Make a question for the underlined part)
