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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Part 1: (10 points) Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following
sentences. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. He lost control of the car and drove _____ the river.
A. on B. into C. in D. over
2. It will be easier to read if you ________ the lights.
A. switch B. switch on C. switch over D. switch in
3. It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for _______________.
A. a revision B. a control C. an investigation D. a check-up
4. If you work for us, you’ll get somewhere to live ______ free.
A. for B. of C. at D. out
5. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ______ your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. exchange
6. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.
A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good
7. “What a lovely house you have!” – “___________”
A. Thank you. Hope you will drop in B. You’re welcome!
C. Of course, it’s costly D. No problem
8. . ………….my sisters and brothers, I’d like to thank for your warm reception.
A. Instead of B. On behalf of C. On account of D. In front of
9. We will wait until he shows up. What does ‘shows up’ mean?
A. appears B. answers C. speaks D. finishes
10. ................weather! We can't go out for a walk now.
A. How terrible B. What terrible C. How a terrible D. What a terrible
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2: (15 points) If a line is correct, put a(v) in your answer box. If there is an extra word in
a line, write it in your answer box.

Wake up to milk Your answers

0 Delivered in daily to your door by your milkman, In
00 come rain or shine, milk provides a remarkable ˅
1 cocktail of protein, vitamins, minerals and
2 energy for your whole of family, from the

HSG 9 SỐ 5

3 youngest to the most oldest. Milk is a delicious,
4 nourishing drink for everyone - not only children.
5 And because of our needs change as we grow
6 older, there is a type of milk for every one member
7 of your family. It’s a refreshing, healthy drink
8 that the dentist will be approve of. There's
9 nothing to beat milk; drink it like plain or as
10 a milk shake flavored with fresh fruit, chocolate
11 or fruit yoghurt. There are also such many ways
12 to drink milk, so it’s no any wonder its popularity
13 never dies. Milk in a bottle is the more “greenest”
14 way to buy it because milk they bottles are generally
15 re-used for between twelve and forty times.
Part 3: (6 points). Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when
this is necessary.
1. The forecast said there was a high ____________ (LIKELY) of rain this weekend.
2. Litter is often a problem in ___________ (RESIDENT) areas.
3. According to ___________________ (ENVIRONMENT), we could be facing a crisis
within fifty years.
4. The giant panda is _________________ (DANGER) because its habitat is being destroyed.
5. We didn’t enjoy our walk because it was absolutely ____________ (FREEZE)
6. With the increase in our mortgage rate, we will be forced to ____________. (ECONOMY)
Your answers:
1 2 3
4 5 6

Part 1: (11 points) Read the text and do the tasks below.
TEEN credit

Your buying and spending needs are growing; your income isn’t; so where do you get the extra
cash? For many, the answer lies in credit cards, but is credit card the right solution for teenagers?
Teen now asked two young people for their opinions:
I think it would be great if I could have a credit card, but I don’t dare ask my parents for one. They
think that if I had a credit card I would develop irresponsible spending habits. I suppose that
they’re right in a way. It might be more tempting to go on a shopping spree if I had a credit card. I
work part time during the school year, though, and I’m also getting a summer job, so I don’t think
it would be too difficult for me to pay off my card. Still, my parents worry that I’ll end up owing
money to the bank.

I don’t believe a teenager having a credit card is a very good idea. I’ve read in the papers about
working people who run up huge personal debts and are unable to repay them. How are teens that
have a limited income expected to handle such financial responsibility? I think credit cards would
only encourage them to spend more money than they earn. Teens should open a savings account at
a bank from which they would be able to withdraw the exact amount they need to cover their
Josh, 17

Patricia, 18

HSG 9 SỐ 5


expenses. If a teen really wanted a card, they could ask their bank to issue a prepaid one. These are
cards that you just top up with money and use like a regular card. So, you can only use it as long as
you have money!

Task 1: Mark the following statements T (true), F (false) or NM (not mentioned)
1. Josh’s parents think he’s too young to have a credit card.
2. Josh believes he might spend more money if he had a card.
3. Patricia has read about teens who can’t pay off their debts.
4. Patricia believes savings account would help teens manage their money more easily.
5. Patricia is against the idea of prepaid credit card.
Task 2: Complete the sentences. You must use between FOUR and FIVE words
1. Josh’s parents are against the idea of Josh having a credit card because they think he
2. Josh believes that he would spend a lot if ………………………………………………..
3. Josh feels he would be able to ……………………………………………………………
4. Patricia feels credit cards make teenagers ………………………………………………
5. According to Patricia, teens should have a savings account which they could use to ….
………………………………………………………......... need to cover their expenses.
6. Patricia finds prepaid cards handy because ………………………………………………
………………………………………………...........................as long as you have money.
Part 2: (10 points) Fill ONE suitable word into each of the numbered blanks in the following
passage. Write your answers in the space provided.
The Sydney opera house is located in Sydney, Australia. Visitors travel (1)_____ all over
the world to enjoy performances that range from opera and ballet to theatre (2)_____.live musical
productions. There (3)_____ even special programs for children that include dancing, music and
theatre. For many people, just visiting The Sydney Opera House is entertaining. It is (4) _____
impressive piece of architecture and visitors can spend hours just walking around (5)_____.
Guided tours are available that take you behind-the-scene in the world famous Concert Hall or
Opera Theatre.
John Utzon, (6) _____ young architect from Denmark, designed the building. He entered a
contest in 1956 to design a concert hall in Sydney and (7) _____ announced the winner in 1957.
The unique design caused many difficulties and the Opera House was not completed (8)
_____1973. Fortunately, the building became a huge success and is now considered (9) _____
many to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
The Sydney Opera House (10) _____ earned a reputation as a world–class performing arts
centre and is a proud symbol of Sydney.
Your anwers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8 9. 10.
Part 3. (10 points) Read the text and choose the best answer

HSG 9 SỐ 5


For many Americans, Sunday is a day of rest. After a busy week of business transactions and work
routines, it is a day to pause and focus on faith and family. However, it is not a day to waste away
by doing nothing. It is a day for many to attend church and to worship with their local community.
This notion is based on the Biblical account of creation when God created the world in six days
and rested on the seventh. For this reason, one day is set aside during the week as a day of rest and
worship. On Sunday most department stores and business are closed for the day and only places of
entertainment and culture may be open to the public.
Sometimes when we read the newspapers and watch TV, we get the false impression that
American is an amoral society where people have no respect for family and religious values. This
concept is often exploited by tabloid papers and the foreign press but nothing could be further
from the truth. In spite of the apparent carefree attitude sometimes projected by the press, many
Americans, especially those living in the rural areas and the deep south, are very traditional in their
approach to life, family and religion. Sundays for them still become a time to attend their local
church and to meet with their fellow parishioners. The church service becomes for them the center
of their day's activities.
At the church service, a choir composed of members from the community sings hymns and songs
and the preacher or minister delivers a sermon based on a passage from the Gospel. In some
Christian churches there is also a communion service where a ritual remembrance of the Last
Supper is reenacted in a fellowship which concludes the liturgy. After the service, which may last
as long as an hour, the members of the congregation along with their pastor may meet in the parish
hall to enjoy coffee and cake and to socialize together. This is also the time to exchange social
greetings and ideas with one another, to become informed of the needs of the community, and to
find out about the latest happenings in the parish.
Most churches may also distribute a small bulletin containing announcements of births, deaths and
marriages within the community. There may also be additional short notices of special meetings to
be held in the parish, such as choir rehearsals, senior citizen group activities and local scouting
events. Upcoming parish events sponsored by the church also get ample notice. Such events may
include a bake sale to collect money for shut-ins, a cook-out for the underprivileged in a local
park, or a holiday trip to a local resort for members of the parish council.
Belonging to a church is important to many Americans because it helps to bring people together
with others who share the same religious faith and family values.
It also helps to create a sense of the extended family and solidifies the community spirit and a
sense of personal belonging. On the remainder of this day of rest, families are merged into closely
knit units by getting together for a dinner at which one's own extended family is invited.
If one is not a regular churchgoer the day is still a chance to rest. It is spent visiting other relatives
or friends, going to parks or attending ball games, museums or concerts. It is a time to enrich one's
life through leisure and to prepare one's mind for the workweek to follow.
1. From where did Americans develop the concept of Sunday as a "Day of Rest"?
A. From the early settlers. B. From the Bible.
C. From the early pioneers D. From the Pilgrims.
2. Which public services are not opened or offered of Sundays in most of America?
A. Museums B. Theaters C. Banks D. Restaurants
3. Which of the following is true of American society?

HSG 9 SỐ 5


A. Most Americans they live in a violent country.
B. Many Americans have deep respect for traditional values.
C. Most Americans have a deep fear of God.
D. Most Americans believe they live in a violent and dangerous country.
4. From which sources do we often get the impression that the United States is a lawless society?
A. From returning visitors. B. From foreign tourists.
C. From the tabloid media. D. From novels and books.
5. Which does not usually occur at a Church service?
A. The choir sings. B. A sermon is delivered by the pastor.
C. A passage from the Bible is read. D. The congregation is segregated.
6. What is remembered at a Christian Communion service?
A. The importance of the present moment B. The Lord's Last supper.
C. The loss of loved ones. D. The future life to come.
7. What may occur after a Sunday church service?
A. People visit the graves of deceased relatives.
B. People hold picnics in the park.
C. There is a small social gathering of the community.
D. People return directly home with their families.
8. Which of the following may NOT be included in a Church bulletin?
A. Announcement of births and deaths.
B. Announcement of upcoming marriages.
C. Announcement of upcoming church events.
D. Want-ads for part-time jobs in the neighborhood.
9. Why is it important to belong to a church community in America?
A. It is important to be known and seen in the community.
B. It is important to "look good" in the community.
C. It is important for people of the same religion to come together to worship.
D. It is important to be saved from eternal damnation.
10. What is NOT true about Sunday as a day of rest?
A. It is only for Christians.
B. It is a time to enrich one's life with spiritual values.
C. It is a day for everyone to enjoy and relax.
D. It is a time to spend with family and friends.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

HSG 9 SỐ 5


Part 1: (5 points) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. You must use between
TWO and FIVE words. Do not change the word given.
1. I don’t like your criticizing me all the time. (CRITICIZE)
I wish _______________________________ all the time
2. Taking out a private pension scheme will benefit you. (INTEREST)
It is ___________________________________ out a private pension scheme.
3. People say that Bali is a beautiful island. (SAID)
It is ______________________________ is a beautiful island.
4. My parents don’t mind you staying with us after the concert. (HAPPY)
My parents _____________________________ stay with us after the concert.
5. As a boy, he was a regular churchgoer. (USED)
As a boy, he ______________________________ churchgoer.

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