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These days, there are many students who do not attend physical schools but instead, stay home, where they are homeschooled. While these students (21)__________study at their homes, they sometimes visit their local schools. One reason for this concerns athletics. In many American states, homeschooled students are permitted to play on their local school’s athletic teams. This is good news for the schools because a lot of homeschoolers are(22)__________athletes. The students who attend actual schools are mostly accepting of the homeschoolers. They usually have no problems with them and are often simply(23)__________about what it is like not to go to school. So they tend to bombard the homeschoolers with numerous questions. The homeschoolers(24)__________by mingling with the students at school. Some of them rarely spend time (25)__________, so it helps them develop their social skills if they can hang out and play sports with other kids.

21. A. primarily               B. solely                 C. relatively               D. cautiously

22. A. exception          B. exceptions               C.exceptional     exceptionally

23. A. upset                B. curious                    C. worried                   D. hostile

24. A. benefit            B. benefited         C. benefiting             D. will have benefited

25. A. for individuals of their age                B. of the individuals who have aged

 C. with other individual’s at their age        D. by individuals that age