Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 5
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. My father couldn’t afford to buy the car.
The car __________________________
2. Miss Ideal is the best teacher they’ve got.
They haven’t got ___________________
3. She sings better than anyone else.
She is ______________________
4. They arrived too late to get a good seat.
They didn’t ______________________
5. You studied too little to pass the test.
You __________________________
6. Despite his intelligence, he couldn’t solve the problem.
Intelligent ___________________________________
7. Offering her a better-paid job wouldn’t make any difference.
Even if ___________________________________________
8. It’s no matter whether you arrive late, we will be there waiting for you.
We will be there waiting for you, even __________________________
9. Although she is very charming, it is difficult to live with her.
For all ___________________________________________
10. However loud she complains, I pretend not to hear.
Despite her _______________________________
11. Supposing you were married, how many children would you like to have?
If _________________________________________________________
12. I will go only if all my expenses are paid.
I will go providing __________________
13. If you had remembered to take your umbrella, you wouldn’t have got wet.
You forgot __________________________________________________
14. I will go only if all my expenses are paid.
Unless ____________________________
15. Your flowers are very weak because of the drought.
Were it not ________________________________
16. He was absent because of his illness.
The reason _____________________
17. He sent her out so that he could get some peace.
He sent her out so ________________________
18. We’re starting early because we want to finish by noon.
We’re starting early in __________________________
19. I left her my telephone number. Otherwise she might have found it difficult to contact me.
I left her my telephone number in case _________________________________________
20. I always prepare my lunch in the evening so as not to disturb my room-mate in the morning.
I always prepare my lunch in the evening to avoid ________________________________