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Chu Diệu Linh

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Chủ đề:

It’s time for recess

Câu hỏi:

Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence. 1. I’ve never read…………. of films as I don’t trust the critics’ opinions. A. reviews B. criticisms C. articles D. investigation 2. I didn’t like this album at first but it’s really starting to …………on me now. A. grow B. raise C. develop D. increase. 1. The average………….watches television for about 15 hours a week. A. viewer B. audience C. spectator D. observer 2. Get me some chewing gum when you go to the shop, ……………you? A. don’t B. shall C. will D. didn’t 3. Being the conductor of a large……………..is an extremely demanding job. You have to make sure about hundred musicians are playing in time. A. group B. band C. company D. orchestra 4. How did your…………..go? Do you think you’ll be offered the main part? A. rehearsal B. auditorium C. audition D. performance 5. Harry kept us……………..throughout the journey with his non-stop jokes. A. enjoyed B. entertained C. laughed D. pleasured 8. And the song…………..by our listeners as their favorite of the week is Goodbye Baby by The Tunesmiths. A. having chosen B. chosen C. was chosen D. is chosen 9. Before I started the car, all the passengers ……………their seat belts. A. will buckle B. had buckled C. buckle D. have buckled 10. “You didn’t get into Harvard, did you?” “No, and that’s the reason………..I ended up going to drama college!” A. how B. which C. for that D. why