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II- Make questions for the underlined parts:

1. ................................................................................................?

            My dream house will be a big house in the city.


            It will be cold and rainy in Ha Noi tomorrow.

3. ................................................................................................?

            There are four seasons in the North of Viet Nam.

4. ................................................................................................?

           She went to her hometown last month.

5. ................................................................................................?

           It takes two hours to get there by car.

6. ................................................................................................?

             The toyshop is by the lake.


            You can go to Hue by train.

8. ................................................................................................?

            It’s very cold in winter. There is a lot of snow.

9. ................................................................................................?

           I like living in the country because it is very quiet.

10. ................................................................................................?

           My hometown is beautiful. It’s got a lot of trees and flowers.