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Examiner: Good afternoon. 

E:  I’m …………. What’s your name?

       Thank you

E:  What grade are you in?

       Thank you                                   Back-up prompts

- Where do you live?

- How many people are there in your family? 

- What does your father/ mother do? 

- What do your family do together in your free time?

- Do you live here?

- Do you have any brothers/ sisters?


- What is your father’s / mother’s job?

- Do your family watch TV/ cook/ do the gardening together in your free time? 


Thank you 

Part 2 (1 minute). 

E: Now I’d like you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give you a photograph of people doing things at home. Please tell me what you can see in the photograph. 

Here is your photograph.

You have one minute to talk.

Back-up Prompts

- How many people are there in the picture? 

- Who do you think are in the picture?

- What is each person in the picture doing? 

- Where are they? 

- Do you think that they are happy? Why or why not? 


Part 3. Discussion (1 minute)

Now, I’d like you to answer some questions.

                                    Back-up prompts

- Which household chores do you often do at home? 

- How do your family split the household chores? 

- Talk about the thing you like doing best at home. 


- Which important skills can children learn when doing the housework? 

- Do you cook/ do the washing-up/ take out the rubbish…? 

- Does your family divide the household chores equally? 

-  What do you like doing best at home? Who do you share it with? Why do you like? 

-  Can you improve life skills when doing the housework? 



 That’s the end of the test! Thank you!


Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 10 mới – Unit 1 – Family life - EnglishCrunch