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Choose the correct answers. of trees.  6."Reduce, reuse, recycle" is said to encourage people to waste less, by using less and using things again, in order to    the environment .

     A. harm        B.damage                          C.pollute                           D.protect

7.  Please collect all the recyclable materials, and take them to the                       factory.

     A.recycle     B.recycled                         C. recyclable                     D.recycling

8.  This newspaper is made of                    paper.

     A.recycle     B.recycled                         C.old                                 D.waste

9.  If we all use                   bags, we'll help the environment.

     A.new          B.cheap                             C.reusable                         D.reduced

10.  These three Rs             . reduce, reuse, and recycle

     A.stand up   B.stand for                        C.ask for                           D.means

11.  If there is a rubbish bin in every class, the classroom will become                 .

     A. harmful   B. lighter                           C. dirtier                           D. cleaner

12.  "Don't throw rubbish into the river because you will make it             ."

     A. greener    B. dirty                              C. cleaner                          D. fresher

13.  If we use                     paper, we will save a lot of trees.

     A.fewer       B.less                                 C.more                              D.much

14.  You should put the food in a reusable box                 plastic bag.

     A. by            B.instead of                      C.because of                     D.without

15.  If people turn off all electric appliances in one hour all over the world, they can save lots of                       .

     A.electric     B.electrical                        C.electrician                      D.electricity

16.  It is a good idea to                  our clothes with our friends or cousins.

     A.change     B.swap                              C.turn                                D.send

17.  Next week our class is having a discussion about finding                  ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.

     A.interested B.surprising                       C.useless                           D.creative

18.  If you have old clothes, will you give them to those              ?

     A.needs       B.to need                          C.for needing                    D.in need

19.  My brother and I will give last year's clothes to                     instead of throwing them away.

     A.shop         B.people                            C.charity                           D survey.

20.  "Do you think we should put a                       bin in every classroom in order to keep it clean?"

     A.reusable    B.recycled                         C.recycling                        D.recyclable