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Mark: Hi, everyone. Last time our club met, we decided to start an awareness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue. So have you thought about any issues that we could focus on?
Mai: Yes, I think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our city, such as crime and overpopulation.
Nam: I like your ideas, Mai, but I think we should plan our campaign around social issues that directly affect teenagers like us.
Mark: Can you give us some examples?
Nam: Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are major problems among teenagers today although many people don’t feel comfortable talking about them.
Mai: I agree with you. Hmm... so Mark, what do you think? Should we focus our campaign on a general social issue or one affecting mainly teens?
Mark: Hmm. I think this time we should focus on a problem teens struggle with every day because this won't be a big campaign. However, we'll try to use your ideas for another project, Mai.
Mai: Sounds good! Now let’s decide on a social issue. Is the top problem facing teens today peer pressure, body shaming, or bullying?
Nam: I think it’s bullying because it’s very common today, and ...