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Pu Mi Ka

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Do mình bận quá nên nhờ các bạn giải giúp mình một số câu tường thuật với ạ

71. "What country do you come from?" said Bill

72. "Where did you spend your holiday last summer?" he said to her

73. "What are you going to study?" he said to Mary

74. "What do you think of the canteen coffee?" asked Peter

75. "Where were you last night?" he said to her

76. Tom said to the girl, " When did you have this picture taken?"

77. He said to me, " Are you a teacher?"

78. "Are you hungry now?" she said to me

79. He said to me, "do you understand it now?"

80. "Did you pass the exam, John?" the teacher asked

81. "Did you phone me yesterday?" Tom asked Mary

82. "Have you seen this film before?" He asked me

83. "Is your school near here?" she said

84. Tom asked his friend, "Do you go to school by bus?"

85. I asked Mary: " Can you use a computer?"

86. Mr. Ba said: "Does your father live here?"

87. "Have you ever seen a tiger?" he asked me

88. "Are you learning your lesson?" the girl asked her brother

89. "Did he live with his grandfather?" she asked me

90. Will you visit Dalat?" she said

91. "Have you learnt French for 6 years?", she asked me

92. “Did you come to the treather?", she said

93. "Will Ted and Alice be at the party?" She asked us

94. "Did you study hard for the exam?" she asked

94. He asked me, "Do you like these trousers?"

95. Marry asked me, " Will you go to school next week?"

96. "What's the weather like?" she asked me

97. "How can I solve the problem?" I wanted to know

98. "What did you think of the performance yesterday?" she asked me

99. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked

100. “How are you?" Martin asked us

101. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"

102. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.

103. "What are they doing?" she asked

104. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend

105. "How do you know that?" she asked me

106. "Where did you go yesterday?" she asked me

107. They asked, "How can you repair this this machine, John?"

108. "Why did the dog bark violently last night?" John asked Peter

Pu Mi Ka

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Do mình bận quá nên nhờ các bạn giải giúp mình một số câu tường thuật với ạ

34. "Who is going to live in the big house?" he said to her

35. "What will happen to his racehorses?" she said to us

36. "Who is playing next week?” he asked me

37. "Which team has won?" asked Ann.

38. "Who went to the party last night?" he said to me

39. "Where do you work?" he said to me

40. "Why does the price go up so often?" She wondered.

41. "When are you coming back?" I asked them

42. "Whose car did you borrow last night?" I said to him

43. "What's your new house like?" I asked them

44. "What was she wearing when you saw her last?" the policeman asked me

45. "Why did you travel first class?" I asked him

46. "Who owns this gun?" the detective said to him. → the detective asked

47. "When was the timetable changed?" he asked me

48. "Why has the 2.30 train been cancelled?” said Ann.

49. "When did you begin learning English?" he said to us

50. "Why do you think it may be dangerous?” he asked her

51. "Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren't a pair?" I asked him

52. "What games do they play?" Tom asked us

53. "I'm very busy," she said

54. "I'll see you soon," he said to me

55. She said tome, "I see the children quite often."

56. "I'm having a bath." she said

57. "I must do my homework tonight," he said to me

58. "I walked home after the party," he said

59. "I'm going away tomorrow, mother, " He said

60. "From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Eiffel Tower," he said

61. "I enjoyed myself at the party last night," Ann said

62. "I spoke to Jane last week," she said

63. "I'll phone the office from the airport," she said

64. They were here three months ago." He said

65. "I don't like this film," she said

66. "I haven't been waiting long," she said to me

67.Ann said, "Englishmen make good husbands because they are nearly always willing to help in the house."

68. "I'm going to work in Spain next year," Mary said

69. Peter said to us, "I went there last week with my secretary."

70. The doctor said to Ann, " You must stay out of crowds until you stop your coughingnd sneezing.