Unit 9 : Natural Disasters : Test 2

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2 gp




I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1.         A. century                    B. infectious                 C. structure                  D. question

2.         A. come                       B. wonder                    C. golden                     D. discover

3.         A. disease                    B. instant                      C. easy                         D. miles

4.         A. unknown                 B. united                      C. universe                   D. university

5.         A. allow                       B. how                         C. bows                       D. show

II. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern from those of the others.

1.         A. damage                    B. bandage                   C. presure                    D. require

2.         A. inject                       B. victim                       C. treatment                 D. contact

3.         A. revival                      B. influence                   C. refusal                      D. arrival

4.         A. minimize                   B. organize                   C. requirement  D. elevate

5.         A. abrupt                      B. promise                    C. tissue                       D. stretcher

III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences

1.A ________ is a very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle.

A. typhoon                   B. tornado                    C. volcano                    D. tsunami

2.The ________ of the volcano was predicted in advance, so no one was injured.

A. eruption                   B. erupted                    C. erupts                      D.erupt

3.A man ___________ sell cars.

A. who we know          B. who we knows         C. which we know        D. that we knows

4.I know a man ___________ at Jones & Roe.

A. who work                B. who works               C. that work                 D. which works

5.Take the food _________ on the table.

A. which are                 B. that is                       C. which were              D. that were

6. The students are reading some books …are  disasters.

A. who                         B. whom                      C. which                       D. whose

7. The lion – tamer and his lion … we saw on the stage came from Moscow.

A. who                         B. which                       C.  that                         D. whom

8. The children  _______  are playing in the back yard are Mr. Ba’s  nephews.

A. whom                      B. that                          C. which                       D. whose

9. Vietnam  _______ is in the Southeast Asian  is considered the pearl of the region . 

A. which                       B. who                         C. where                      D. whom

10. We are going to visit Ha Long Bay ___ is one of the most interesting places of the North .

A.  who                        B. which                       C. where                      D. whom

6. Hoa and her dog  _______ are standing over there go to the park   every Sunday morning.

A. that                          B. who                         C. which                       D. whom

7. The word “typhoon” _______ comes from the Chinese means “big wind”

A. who                         B. that                          C. when                       D. whom         

8. Mount Pinatubo _______ erupted in 1991 is in the Philippines .

A. whom                      B. which                       C. when                       D. who

9.  Hundreds of people died in that volcanic eruption  _______ had been warned before.

A. whom                      B.  which                      C. when                       D. who

10.  Tornadoes can  suck anything  _______ is in their path.

A. who                         B. whom                      C. where                      D. which

11.  The huge earthquake  _______ struck the city of Kobe in Japan killed a large number of people. 

A. who                         B. that                          C. where                      D. whom

12. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79 destroyed Pompeii _______ was an ancient city of Italy.

A. who                         B. which                       C. where                      D. when

13. Neil Armstrong _______ was the first man walking on the moon is an American.

A. who                         B. which                       C. whom                      D. when

14. Nobody _______ predicted  the earthquake in Virginia in 2003.

A. who                         B. which                       C. when                       D. where

15. Hurricane Isabel_______ swept through Virginia last year, destroyed a lot of houses .

A. who                         B.  which                      C. when                       D. whom

16. My  father will fly to Hanoi _______  is the capital city of Vietnam.

A. who                         B. which                       C. where                      D. whom

17. My classmates dislike postcards _______  how  rough sea and cloudy sky.

A. who                         B. which                       C. where                      D. whom

18. The students enjoyed the excursion to the city Museum_______ their classmates visited last month.

A. who                         B. that                          C. when                       D. whom

19. The teacher never allows you to puts the posters _______ show music stars on the walls of the classroom.

A. who                         B. that                          C. when                       D. whose

20.   Tornadoes are storms _______ have the shapes of the funnels.

A. who                         B. which                       C. where                      D. whom

21. We usually watch  the weather forecast on TV _______  tells us nearly exactly what is happening .

A. who                         B. which                       C. where                      D. whose

22. The weatherman announced that there would be thunderstorms _______ could cover from the north to the south of the country.

A. that                          B. who                         C . whom                     D. whose

23. My mother bought a lot of stuff _______  we might need for our house.

A. that                          B. who                         C. when                       D. whose

24. They are reading newspapers _______ have just been published.

A. which                       B. who                         C. when                       D. whom                     

25.The villagers have to drink the water _______ is not purified.

A. which                       B. who                         C. where                      D. whom

26. Mr. Brown _______  is said to be the most famous doctor of the city , has received an a ward from the Government.

A. which                       B. whom                      C. who                         D. whose

27. They called their friends , _______ have lived in this city for a long time, to ask  for help.

A. which                       B. who                         C. whom                      D. that

28. The boys gave their friends some posters_______  they bought yesterday.

A. which                       B. who                         C. whom                      D. whose

29. She showed her parents the pictures of the places _______  she had visited . 

A. which                       B. who                         C. where                      D. that

30.  The victims  ran out of   their houses _______ almost collapsed after the strong wind.

A. which                       B. who                         C. where                      D. whom

31. According to the weather _______, it will be raining tonight .

A. forecast                   B. forecaster .  C. forecasted                D. forecasting

32. Yesterday a hurricane hit the _______ of Vung Tau city.

A. coaster                    B. coast                        C. coasting                   D. coastal

33. The _______can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays.

A. science                    B. scientific                   C. scientists .                D. scientifically.

34 . A tropical storm which reaches 120 meters per hour is called a _______ in North and  south American .

A. typhoon                   B.  cyclone                   C. hurricane                  D. tornado .

35. The tsunami _______ in December  2004 in  South east Asia killed more than 160 000 people .

A. disaster                    B. disastrous                 C. disastrously              D. disasterring .

36. We must find a shelter now because of the_______storm.

A.  forecast                  B. forecaster                 C. forecasted                D. forecasting

37. The roof_______under the weight of  snow last night.

A. collapse                   B. collapsing                 C. collapsed                 D. collapses .

38. He warned  me of the _______in the forest .

A. dangers                    B .  dangerousness.       C. dangerously             D. dangerous.

39.  Pompeii was completely _______in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

A. to destroy               B. destroy                    C. destroyed                D. destroying .

40. Many people become _______ because of the natural disasters every year.

A. homeland                 B. homesick                 C. homeless                  D. homework.

41.The weather _______for tomorrow isn’t very good.

A. forecast                   B. foresee                     C. foremen                   D. news

42.Thank you for your letter, _______ I was very happy to get.

A. who                         B. that                          C. which                       D. whose

43.We spent a pleasant day by the lake, _______we had a picnic.

A. what                        B. that                          C. which                       D. where

44.The professor _______ course I am talking is excellent.

A. who                         B. whose                      C. whom                      D. that

45.The day _______she left was rainy.

A. that                          B. where                      C. when                       D. which

46.Don’t forget _______call home as soon as you arrive at your destination.

A. to call                      B. calling                      C. having called            D. to be called

47.The storm _______ nobody has been expecting caused a lot of damage.

A. which                       B. that                          C. where                      D. Both A & B

48.We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, _______is only 30 miles away.

A. which                       B. that                          C. where                      D. when

49.Can you think of any reasons _______ he might have left the party?

A. which                       B. why                         C. who                         D. when

50.We can usually _______when a volcano will erupt.

A. predict                     B. guess                       C. say                          D. feel sure

IV. Read the following passage carefully, and then complete it with the most suitable words provided.


            Some volcanoes are always (1) ______. They are called active volcanoes. Mount Etna in Italy is an active (2) ______.

            Some  volcanoes have not erupted since prehistoric times. These are (3) ______ extinct volcanoes. Most of the  Hawaiian Islands are extinct volcanoes. These volcanoes (4) ______ have a hot spot under them. They (5) ______erupt anymore.

Some volcanoes have not erupted for a long time, (6) ______ they could erupt again. These are called dormant volcanoes.

Scientists try to figure out (7) ______ volcanoes will erupt. Studying volcanoes is hard and dangerous work. Scientists drill into volcanoes. They (8) ______ maps of the inside of the volcanoes. They use satellites to study volcanoes (9) ______ space. Scientists have been able to predict a few eruptions. But it is not (10) ______ to tell what a volcano might do.

  1. A. erupting                   B. running                     C. going                       D. firing
  2. A. mountain                  B. volcano                    C. river                         D. hill 
  3. A. named                     B. thought                     C. called                       D. said     
  4. A. any longer                B. any more                  C. not more                  D. no longer
  5. A. won’t                       B. can not                     C. should not                D. may not
  6. A. and                          B. or                            C. but                           D. so           
  7. A. where                      B. why                         C. that                          D. when      
  8. A. do                           B. create                      C. build                        D. make      
  9. A. in                             B. from                         C. into                          D. out of     
  10. A. easy                         B. difficult                     C. able                         D. good     

V. Read the passage and check True or False.

Many years ago, people used to buy what they needed from stores and markets. Now where would you go if you wanted to buy all these goods at one time? Ask anybody, and he would probably say "you'd better go to the supermarket". A supermarket is a special kind of market. It is usually much larger than an ordinary store. In a supermarket, you can buy all kinds of food, household, products and daily necessities. In a store, a customer is served by a storekeeper but in a supermarket, the goods are arranged on rows of shelves along the aisles. The prices are printed on small labels on the goods. A customer gets goods he needs from the shelves. This is known as self-service. Of course, you can always ask for help from the supermarket shop assistants.

When you enter a supermarket, you take a basket to carry the goods you will buy. If you want to buy a lot of things, you will need a trolley. A trolley is like a large basket on wheels. You can push it along the aisles, choose what you want from the shelves and put it into your trolley. A supermarket often provides a more comfortable environment for shopping than a market that is usually wet and dirty. As a result, many people usually buy more goods than they need when they visit a supermarket.





1.Many years ago, people used to buy what they need from supermarkets.



2.We go to a supermarket if we want to buy different kinds of goods at one time.



3.Now people buy all they need only from stores and markets.



4.An assistant in a supermarket will serve you if you ask for help.



5.The prices of the goods are written on small labels all over the shelves.



6.It is comfortable and convenient to shop at a supermarket.



7.You will need a basket if you want to buy a lot of things.



8.A trolley carries you around the supermarket.



9.Customers get the goods they need from the shelves.



10.People buy a lot of goods when they go to supermarkets.




VI. Give the right word  formation for these provided word

1. ________waves are one of the great forces of nature. (tide)

2. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are _________________ disasters. (nature)

3. Our _________ turns out to be correct. (predict)

4. The building was _______ damaged by the fire.( extend)

5. The most ____ earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama.(disaster)

6. A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of__________ shall we make?    (prepare)

7. _____________  food is very convenient for campers.  (can)

8. Today  __________________can predict when a tidal wave hits land. (science)

9. It was the biggest  ___________of       Mt. Vesuvius for some years.  (erupt)

10. A tidal wave brings death and _________ in its way. (destroy)

