First, let's talk about traditional Japanese clothing. "Kimono" in Japanese means clothes to wear, Japanese clothes. Kimono has been used by the Japanese for several hundred years. Today, due to the international integration and the nature of life, these kimono is no longer used every day as before, it becomes a costume only used on Tet holidays in parties or festivals. In Japan, women wear kimonos more commonly than men and often have outstanding colors and patterns. Meanwhile, men's kimonos have no pattern and are darker in color. The person wearing the Kimono must wear wooden clogs and white Tabi socks.
Bonenkai is an indispensable Japanese tradition. Most companies host at least one of these traditional parties. Not only limited to the company, department, or among colleagues, the Japanese also organize Bonenkai with their friends. Bonenkai is a traditional custom, but it doesn't have to be on a fixed date. The Japanese usually organize them from mid-December to the end of the year.