Tô Mì
6 giờ trước (0:11)

(a) Lấy trục \(Oy\) như đề bài quy ước.

Phương trình chuyển động: \(y=v_0t-\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2\).

Khi đá đạt độ cao cực đại: \(v=v_0-gt=0\Leftrightarrow t=\dfrac{v_0}{g}\).

Suy ra: \(y\left(t\right)=\dfrac{v_0^2}{2g}\). Độ cao cực đại: \(H=h+y\left(t\right)\)

\(\Rightarrow H=h+\dfrac{v_0^2}{2g}=80+\dfrac{30^2}{2\cdot9,8}\approx125,92\left(m\right)\).

(b) Hòn đá đi qua gốc tọa độ khi \(y=0.\)

Suy ra: \(v_0t-\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2=0\Leftrightarrow t=\dfrac{2v_0}{g}=\dfrac{2\cdot30}{9,8}\approx6,12\left(m\right)\)

Vận tốc hòn đá: \(v\left(t\right)=v_0-gt=-v_0=-30\left(ms^{-1}\right)\)

(c) Khi đá chạm vách núi: \(y=v_0t-\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2=-h=-80\).

Thay số, giải phương trình, thu được: \(t\approx8,13\left(s\right)\) (loại nghiệm âm).

Suy ra vận tốc đá: \(v\left(t\right)=v_0-gt\approx-49,68\left(ms^{-1}\right)\)

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Hà Vy
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Minh Phương
1 giờ trước (4:17)

* Tham khảo:

Câu 1:
- Các môi trường sống của sinh vật có thể bao gồm:
   + Môi trường nước ngọt (sông, ao, hồ)
   + Môi trường nước lợ (đầm lầy, vùng bãi biển)
   + Môi trường biển (vùng biển, đại dương)
   + Môi trường đất liền (rừng, sa mạc, thảo nguyên)
   + Môi trường khí quyển (không khí)

- Nhân tố sinh thái là các yếu tố trong môi trường mà sinh vật tương tác với nhau và với môi trường sống. Đây có thể là yếu tố vật lý như nhiệt độ, ánh sáng, độ ẩm, hoặc yếu tố sinh học như thức ăn, kẻ thù, đối tác cộng sinh.

- Giới hạn sinh thái là ranh giới hoặc điều kiện mà một loài sinh vật không thể vượt qua hoặc tồn tại trong điều kiện đó. Điều này có thể là do các yếu tố vật lý như nhiệt độ tối đa/tối thiểu, độ ẩm, ánh sáng, hoặc yếu tố sinh học như sự cạnh tranh với các loài khác.

- Biểu đồ giới hạn sinh thái của sinh vật thường biểu diễn biên độ của các yếu tố môi trường (ví dụ: nhiệt độ, độ ẩm) mà sinh vật có thể chịu đựng. Đường biểu đồ thường là biểu diễn ranh giới tối đa và tối thiểu của các yếu tố này.

Câu 2:
- Hệ sinh thái là một cộng đồng các sinh vật sống trong cùng một khu vực và tương tác với nhau cũng như với môi trường vật lý xung quanh.

- Các thành phần của hệ sinh thái bao gồm:
   + Sinh vật: bao gồm cả thực vật và động vật
   + Môi trường vật lý: bao gồm không khí, nước, đất và các yếu tố vật lý khác như nhiệt độ, ánh sáng, độ ẩm.
   + Mối quan hệ tương tác giữa các sinh vật và môi trường, bao gồm chuỗi thức ăn, sự cạnh tranh và sự phụ thuộc lẫn nhau.

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Ẩn danh
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Minh Phương
1 giờ trước (4:20)

- Khi bỏ cục đá vào nước cam ấm, nhiệt độ của nước cam giảm xuống trong khi nhiệt độ của cục đá tăng lên, cho đến khi đạt được sự cân bằng nhiệt độ. 

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Minh Phương
39 phút trước

*Tham khảo:

In the future, homes will be amazing! They won't just be ordinary houses; they'll be super cool places to live. Picture a house that's like a secret hideout, but also super eco-friendly. The walls will be covered in plants, making the air fresher. Windows will be magic - they'll let just the right amount of sunlight in, and they'll even change color! Inside, rooms will change to fit whatever we need. Plus, everything will be super high-tech and save lots of energy. It'll be the best place ever to live!

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:32)

Exercise 12. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. Most teachers insist on their pupils ________doing___________ (do) the homework.

2. She has often made me _______cry____________ (cry).

3. I expect _________to hear__________ (hear) from you by Monday.

4. It's no use __________pretending_________ (pretend) ________to like___________ (like) her food.

5. How old were you when you learnt __________to drive_________ (drive) ?

6. I don't mind ___________walking________ (walk) home but I'd rather ________get___________
(get) a taxi.

7. I can't make a decision. I keep ____________changing_______ (change) my mind.

8. We had to keep him from _______falling____________ (fall) off the cliff.

9.. He had made his decision and refused _______to change____________ (change) his mind.

10. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ________being___________ (be) by the sea.

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:33)

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct form: INFINITIVE or ING-FORM.

1. I dislike shopping because I can't stand ___being_____ in crowded places (BE).

2. I avoid ___visiting_____ places where there are crowds of people (VISIT)

3. She intends ____to save____ up a lot of money so that she can go to Africa next year (SAVE).

4. I remember Steve ___winning_____ the gold medal in the race last year (WIN).

5. We have arranged for the plumber ___to come_____ tomorrow (COME).

6. It is necessary for him ____to study____ harder (STUDY)

7. I need _____to finish___ this project today (FINISH).

8. I insist on _____helping___ you with the dishes (HELP)

9. Some people expect things _____to go___ wrong on the 13th of every month (GO)

10. Stuart agreed ____to wash____ the car for me (WASH)

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:34)

Exercise 14. Complete the sentence with Gerund or Infinitive.

1. Suddenly everybody stopped _____talking_____ . There was complete silence. (TALK)

2. He seems _____to have lost____ some weight (HAVE LOSE)

3. Can you remind me ____to phone____ Ann tomorrow ? (PHONE)

4. I remember _____driving____ along the road when I saw a strange animal (DRIVE)

5. Please don't keep ____interrupting_____ me when I have something important to say. (INTERRUPT)

6. I think his decision _____to give_____ up the job was stupid (GIVE)

7. I'm sorry to keep you ___wait_____ so long (WAIT)

8. I promised ____not to be___ late (NOT BE)

9. Are you thinking of ___buying___ a new car ? (BUY)

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:43)

Exercise 8. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. ________Fishing________ is not allowed here. (fish)

2. I heard the TV set _______explode_________ . (explode)

3. She appeared _______to be_________ very nervous. (be)

4. I keep _________telling_______ you - it was an accident. (tell)

5. Jack is good at ______painting__________ ceilings. (paint)

6. She wondered who _________to ask_______ . (ask)

7. It is difficult _______to understand_________ him. (understand)

8. She did not know what _____to expect___________ from them. (expect)

9. My wife warned us _______not to touch_________ the table. (not touch)

10. He refused _________to tell_______ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)

11. There’s no sense in ________visiting________ him. He’s not at home. (visit)

12. Elephants are known _______to have_________ a fantastic memory. (have)

13. I let her _______get_________ on with her work. (get)

14. Colin had no idea of how _____to get___________ into the house. (get)

15. I’d rather _______be_________ in bed than go to work. (be)

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:44)

Exercise 9. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. ________Fishing________ is not allowed here. (fish)

2. I heard the TV set _______explode_________ . (explode)

3. She appeared _______to be_________ very nervous. (be)

4. I keep _________telling_______ you - it was an accident. (tell)

5. Jack is good at ______painting__________ ceilings. (paint)

6. She wondered who _________to ask_______ . (ask)

7. It is difficult _______to understand_________ him. (understand)

8. She did not know what _____to expect___________ from them. (expect)

9. My wife warned us _______not to touch_________ the table. (not touch)

10. He refused _________to tell_______ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:45)

Exercise 10. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. They are likely ___________to show_______ up at any time. (show)

2. The man denied _________committing_________ the crime. (commit)

3. Their memories of ________travelling__________ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)

4. He has always been afraid of ______flying____________. (fly)

5. _______Swimming___________ is good for your health. (swim)

6. Would you mind ________passing__________ me the sugar. (pass)

7. She promised ____________to read______ the report as soon as possible. (read)

8. I had a hard time __________to explain________ the situation to my husband. (explain)

9. She had some problems _________to read_________ without glasses. (read)

10. Paul gave up _________smoking_________ five years ago. (smoke)

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:57)

Exercise 6. Give the correct form. Gerund or Infinitive?

1. Do you feel like (go)___going____ to the theatre on Friday?

2. I spent a lot of time (make)___making____ a birthday cake for him.

3. He agreed (see)____to see___ me at ten o'clock

4. They promised (read) ___to read____my report today

5. I suggest (pay) ___paying____by check, it's safer than cash

6. He offered (make) ___to make____dinner for us.

7. He put off (see) _____seeing__her until very late in the afternoon.

8. I refused (pay) __to pay_____for the repairs.

9. I've finished (read)____reading___ that book at last!

10. We decided (go)__to go_____ to the cinema instead

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:58)

11. I enjoyed the play. The (act)___acting____ was very good.

12. I love going to her class, her (teach) __teaching_____is never boring.

13. He's my favorite writer, his (write) ____writing___is wonderful.

14. His (complain)___complaining____ is getting on my nerves. He's never happy.

15. They have terrible debts. Their (spend) ____spending___is out of control

16. It's a very fit team. Their (train)__training_____ is very intensive.

17. I can still remember (visit)_____visiting__ my grandparents fifty years ago.

18. Please, remember (feed)__to feed_____ the dog while I'm away

19. I'll never forget (see)__seeing_____ that van Gogh exhibition in New York

20. Don't forget (post) __to post_____my letters, please.

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Sinh Viên NEU
5 giờ trước (0:59)

21. I regret (lend)___lending____ him the money. He never paid it back.

22. We regret (inform)___to inform____ you that your application has been refused.

23. I'll just finish (clean) ____cleaning___the kitchen then I'll stop.

24. She suggested (have)___having____ dinner at her house.

25. She doesn't mind (do)___doing____ the boring jobs.

26. He keeps (ask)____asking___ me to go out with him.

27. He has given up (smoke)___smoking____.

28. He's very good at (get)____getting___ me to do what he wants

29. He insisted on (be)____being___ refunded immediately.

30. He failed. He's very bad at (do)____doing___ exams.

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Cà Ri Bơ
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Sinh Viên NEU
4 giờ trước (1:14)

1/ We read about an astronaut.  The astronaut travelled into space in 1961

We read about..............an astronaut who travelled into space in 1961 .....................................................................................................................................

2/ The class watched a film yesterday. The film was about the Apollo 13 space mission.

The film................which the class watched a film yesterday was about the Apollo 13 space mission................................................................................................................................................

3/ Although I was in a hurry, I didn't forget to lock the door. (Despite)

.............Despite being in a hurry, I didn't forget to lock the door..................................................................................................................................................................

4/ Although she hates rock music, she went to the performance. (In spite of)

............In spite of hating rock music, she went to the performance ...................................................................................................................................................................

5/ The school will constantly tailor its curriculum to meet changes in society

The school's curriculum.............will constantly be tailored to meet changes in society........................................................................................................................

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Sinh Viên NEU
4 giờ trước (1:19)

6/ Schools will not evaluate students' academic performance through exams only

Students' academic performance.........won't be evaluated through exams only.....................................................................................................

7/ It's a pity they won't come here again.

I wish ..............they would come here again...................................................................................................................................................

8/ The children wish they want to win the speaking contest

The children wish ........they would win the speaking contest....................................................................................................................................

9/ Mr Pike is excellent. I am talking to his course

Mr Pike ......., whose course I am talking to, is excellent .........................................................................................................................................

10/ Last year I visited a small town. They filmed The Little Girl there.

Last year .................I visited a small town where they filmed the Little Girl................................................................................................................................

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Sinh Viên NEU
4 giờ trước (1:23)

11/ Unless you leave home now, you will miss the flight.

→If     .......you don't leave home now, you will miss the flight. ..........................................................................................................................................

12. “Did you write a note for Anna?” I asked my mother.

→   I asked...........my mother if she had written a note for Anna......................................................................................................................................

13. Attend the class regularly and you can pass the test easily. (IF)

       ...............If you attend the class regularly, you can pass the test easily. ..................................................................................................................................

14. The game was cancelled because it was raining heavily. (CALLED)

       ................The game was called off because it was raining heavily. .................................................................................................................................

15. Anne finished her homework then she read the book. (AFTER)

       ...............After finishing her homework, Anne read the book..................................................................................................................................

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Minh Phương
1 giờ trước (4:22)

1. B. 
2. C. 
3. D. 
4. A. 
5. A.
6. C.
7. C. 
8. C. 
9. B. 
10. D. 
11. C. 
12. C.
13. D. 
14. C.

15. D. 
16. B. 
17. D.
18. B. 
19. A.
20. B. 

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