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Dương Thị Thảo Nguyên
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Thân Dương Phong
28 tháng 3 2021 lúc 15:10

there are many interesting places in VN, but the most i think very exciting is Bat Trang's pottery village. When i go to this village, i am very surprise because there are many colourful states such as plant's pot,earthen pig,...I don't know that i am attracted by them.The most important work when you go here is you should molded a pot for youself and draw it like your hobby. I think you can satisfied about your product. this is all memorable celebrate when i came here.

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Quỳnhh-34- 6.5 Phạm như
16 tháng 3 2022 lúc 20:14


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Dạy đạo bất chấp( Team M...
23 tháng 6 2021 lúc 20:17

sory giờ định

trả ời mà ko

kiệp sory nha

bt mà ko trả lời

dc mong bn

tha thứ bn

lúc đó thế nào

mik khó bt

nhưng i soryyyyy

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 Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Nguyễn Hồ Hoàng Anh
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Trong thuốc lá có nhiều chất độc, đặc biệt là chất nicôtin dùng để chế thuốc trừ sâu. Nếu ta hút thuốc lá, nhất là hút nhiều, thì có hại do chất nicôtin thấm vào cơ thể sẽ ảnh hưởng đến bộ máy hô hấp, dễ gây ung thư phổi. Vì vậy ta không nên hút thuốc lá, đặc biệt khi còn nhỏ tuổi.

Trong nhựa tiết ra từ quả của cây thuốc phiện chứa moocphin và herôin là những chất độc nguy hiểm, khi sử dụng dễ gây nghiện. Khi đã mắc nghiện thì rất khó chữa. Nghiện thuốc phiện có hại đến sức khỏe và gây hậu quả xấu không những cho bản thân mà cho cả gia đình và xã hội

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23 tháng 4 2021 lúc 22:15

Trong thuốc lá có nhiều chất độc, đặc biệt là chất nicôtin dùng để chế thuốc trừ sâu. Nếu ta hút thuốc lá, nhất là hút nhiều, thì có hại do chất nicôtin thấm vào cơ thể sẽ ảnh hưởng đến bộ máy hô hấp, dễ gây ung thư phổi. Vì vậy ta không nên hút thuốc lá, đặc biệt khi còn nhỏ tuổi.

Trong nhựa tiết ra từ quả của cây thuốc phiện chứa moocphin và herôin là những chất độc nguy hiểm, khi sử dụng dễ gây nghiện. Khi đã mắc nghiện thì rất khó chữa. Nghiện thuốc phiện có hại đến sức khỏe và gây hậu quả xấu không những cho bản thân mà cho cả gia đình và xã hội

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Thuyết Thanh
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XiangLin Linh
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24 tháng 1 2021 lúc 18:50

In Ha Noi, the number of death by traffic accident is considered as large as the number of death by plague. There's about more than 30 people die everyday. With the traffic conditions in Ha Noi, accident is object to happen. The roads are too narrow to travel easily. Moreover, many pot-holes can appear everywhere to threaten the goers. On the roads, there're sometimes the illogical roundabouts. They are not only useless, but also make the traffic more chaotic. To solve this problem, we only have one way, it's improving the road. However, it is impossible for the government to widen the roads because of limited land. Whenever theroads are repaired, the traffic is more dangerous with the unfinished structures. People still travel on the repairing roads, and the roads are more and more narrow. We also can build the tunnels but it is very costly. Viet Nam has to borrow money from other countries and no one knows when the government can pay it back. As you know, Ha Noi is a monsoonal tropical country, it has a lot of rain every year. During the rainy season, the roads are flooded because all the waste pipes are stuck by rubbish and become very dirty.

In addition, the tense of Ha Noi people is poor. The roads in the cities are choked with so many vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, taxies, buses, cyclos and pedestrians because people do not follow the laws well. They even don't obey the traffic lights or signs. Children are taught about traffic laws while adults are breaking it. Now, the government gives many new strict laws to improve the present posture. Polices are more active than they used to. Everyone travel on

motorbike wears helmet naturally without any enforcement. The traffic is better and better day by day.

In conclusion, with many measures now, the traffic in Ha Noi will be good one day. The poor conditions Ha Noi can solve this problem by the development of economic.

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24 tháng 1 2021 lúc 18:51

What should we do when we go out?

-Yes, we have to follow the road signs and the traffic safety rules. There are five types of road signs. First one, the direction sign. This type leads you to go to the right side of the road or somethings, but most are lead you to go to the right side. The second is danger sign. This type shows you the danger ahead and when you saw this sign, you have to becareful. The third one is prohibition signs. In this type, if you don't follow the sign, you will maybe in danger. The fourth type is command signs. You have to follow it or maybe you will be like you don't follow the prohibition signs. The fifth and also the last one type is side signs. This type is not very common and I don't know about it very much. If you want to know about the last type of sign, you can search on the internet. 

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mik làm đc rồi mn không phải làm nữa đâu

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 Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Hà Thu Trang
10 tháng 3 2020 lúc 17:36

Corona virus is a virus originating from Wuhan, China. First appeared on December 31, 2019, and began to spread quickly afterwards. Corona virus has been known to cause colds along with quite serious illnesses such as, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). , The World Health Organization (WHO) initially proposed to use the provisional designation "2019-nCoV" to call this strain of the virus. Then, they call Covid 19.Human-to-human transmission has been confirmed. There have been reports that the virus was infectious even during incubation. However, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCC) in the United States stated that they "did not have any evidence". about the patient's infection before the onset of symptoms .A research team estimated that the virus's basic reproduction coefficient (also known as the basal infection coefficient, R_ {0}) ranges from 5 to 10, this means that one person infected with the virus can infect 5 to 10 others. Other research groups have estimated that the basic reproductive index could be from 2 to 4.5.Symptoms reported include fever in 90% of cases, fatigue and dry cough in 80% of cases,  20% suffer from shortness of breath and respiratory failure accounts for 15% .Blood tests often show a low white blood cell count.Good self-protection includes: maintaining good hand hygiene and breathing (do not touch the eyes, nose, mouth) persevere safe eating habits, do our best to avoid contact be intimate with anyone who has a respiratory illness (such as coughing and sneezing). There is currently no specific cure for the new type of Corona virus. However, many conditions can be treated, so a patient's clinical situation is required to conduct treatment. Taking care of and helping the sick person can be extremely effective.

 Mô phỏng một virus SARS-CoV-2   Minh họa cắt ngang của virus SARS-CoV-2 hiển thị các thành phần bên trongVirion SARS-CoV-2 với coronae có thể nhìn thấy

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 Khách vãng lai đã xóa
21 tháng 3 2020 lúc 20:47

nhìn trên báo cũng đc mà

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 Khách vãng lai đã xóa
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Đoàn Nguyễn
4 tháng 10 2021 lúc 15:02


C1:- Dân cự châu Á thuộc các chủng tộc: Mông–gô–lô–it, Ơ–rô–pê–ô–li, Ô–xtra–lô–it. - Phân bố: + Chủng tộc Môn-gô–lô–it sống chủ chủ yếu ở Bắc Á và Đông Nam Á, Đông Nam Á. + Chủng tộc Ơ–rô–pê–ô–li sống chủ yếu Nam Á, Tây Nam Á và Nam Á.

C2:SInh sống hòa bình ,còn 1 số ít nạn phân biệt chủng tộc


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