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Lãnh Hàn Thiên Anh
11 tháng 1 2021 lúc 10:53

cậu tham khảo đoạn văn này nha

Since the advent of technology, it has provided us with a more convenient life, but to some extent it has reduced people's ability to reason. Since everyone has depended on them, there will be an inability and sufficient awareness to cope with adverse circumstances. So besides the advantages of technology, we cannot help but mention the limitations of laziness and reliance on human technology.

Chúc cậu học tốt :)))))))))))))))

Đào Kim Chi
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Quỳnh Nhi
9 tháng 4 2018 lúc 21:01
Online learning represents an easy and comfortable method and it is a great alternative to traditional universities, especially for people who can’t afford the time and money to take real courses.However, I disagree with studying online at home.Firstly, only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.Another reason refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.

CAO Thị Thùy Linh
15 tháng 4 2018 lúc 16:14

I agree with studying online at home. Firstly, studying at home will help us save so much money. We don’t have to buy so many books and school supplies. It will help us save time and energy too because we don’t have to spend much time on travelling to school. Secondly, you can see there is a lot of traffic on the way especially in rush hours. There are always accidents on the road. Studying at home will help us avoid dangers on the way to school and make traffic less heavy. In addition, we can search for information easily and quickly with a tablet. It’s very convenient. It helps us to save time and we can finish our projects quicker and make them more informative. In conclusion, I think advanced technology really helps us in studying and it brings us more joy in learning new knowledge.

Trang Đoàn Thùy
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Phùng Công Anh
24 tháng 6 2023 lúc 21:37

Online learning has emerged as a convenient and effective alternative to traditional classroom instruction. In this essay, I firmly agree with the statement that online learning not only offers convenience but also proves to be more effective than traditional classroom teaching. Firstly, online learning provides unmatched convenience for both students and teachers. With the click of a button, students can access course materials, lectures, and assignments at any time and from any location. This flexibility allows individuals to tailor their learning experience around their personal schedules, enabling them to balance work, family commitments, and education effectively. Moreover, online platforms eliminate the need for lengthy commutes and provide an inclusive learning environment, as students from various geographic locations can access the same resources and expertise. Secondly, online learning has demonstrated its effectiveness through improved outcomes and engagement. The personalized nature of online courses allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Adaptive learning tools and assessments help identify areas of weakness and provide targeted interventions, enabling students to strengthen their knowledge gaps. Additionally, online platforms often incorporate interactive multimedia, simulations, and gamification techniques, which enhance student engagement and promote active learning. Furthermore, online learning encourages the development of valuable digital skills that are increasingly vital in today's technology-driven world. Students become proficient in navigating online platforms, utilizing digital resources, and collaborating in virtual environments. These skills are transferable to various professional settings and enhance students' employability prospects. While face-to-face interactions are seen as a strength of traditional classrooms, online learning has adapted by incorporating discussion forums, video conferencing, and group projects. These tools foster meaningful interactions, promote peer learning, and create a sense of community among students. In conclusion, online learning offers unparalleled convenience, personalized learning experiences, and the development of digital skills. Its flexibility and effectiveness make it a superior alternative to traditional classroom instruction. By embracing online learning, we can create a more accessible and efficient education system that meets the diverse needs of students and teachers in the modern world.

Ngô Thành Chung
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Vũ Minh Anh
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Ngô phương thảo
6 tháng 1 2020 lúc 21:06

Decision making is a very difficult task for me, whether it is in my personal or professional life. Some people take their decisions by taking their own time, while others take immediately. I believe that, most of the time, decisions made in hurry are poor decisions. There is a chance of mistakes and it could also create problems, and therefore, I think people should take their decisions after careful thought.

To begin with my first reason for this opinion is decisions made in hurry increases our chances of making mistakes and creates problems. From my own experience, if I have to cook something in hurry, then I always forget to add something in my recipe and that make my recipe taste less. Second, while working out, if I try to exercise in hurry, then I might have to face some physical injury or pain. So, I believe that, everyone should take their decisions by thinking and taking some time, which can save them from problems.

Second, most of the time, decisions made in hurry consider as poor decisions. Many times people could not make right decision in hurry. For example, while playing, if players know that opposite team is doing good, and with this pressure player takes poor decision and loose the match. Second example, while working in office with pressure and time limitations, employees take wrong decisions in hurry, this can have bad effect on their overall performance. So, at such situations, we should be quick, but not in hurry, that helps us to take good decision. Hence, thinking before taking any decisions allow us to take wise decision.

Finally, many times we have to take decisions on the spot. In such situations, we should be sharp, and quick in our thoughts, but not in hurry. Because, decisions made in hurry could be poor; could make mistakes, and create problems. So, it is always better to give a thought before taking any decisions.

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hoàng thiên
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15 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:10

Hal Varian, chief economist at Google, has a simple way to predict the future. The future is simply what rich people have today. The rich have chauffeurs. In the future, we will have driverless cars that chauffeur us all around. The rich have private bankers. In the future, we will all have robo-bankers.

One thing that we imagine that the rich have today are lives of leisure. So will our future be one in which we too have lives of leisure, and the machines are taking the sweat? We will be able to spend our time on more important things than simply feeding and housing ourselves?

Let’s turn to another chief economist. Andy Haldane is chief economist at the Bank of England. In November 2015, he predicted that 15 million jobs in the UK, roughly half of all jobs, were under threat from automation. You’d hope he knew what he was talking about.


And he’s not the only one making dire predictions. Politicians. Bankers. Industrialists. They’re all saying a similar thing.

“We need urgently to face the challenge of automation, robotics that could make so much of contemporary work redundant”, Jeremy Corbyn at the Labour Party Conference in September 2017.

“World Bank data has predicted that the proportion of jobs threatened by automation in India is 69 percent, 77 percent in China and as high as 85 percent in Ethiopia”, according to World Bank president Jim Yong Kim in 2016.

It really does sound like we might be facing the end of work as we know it.

Many of these fears can be traced back to a 2013 study from the University of Oxford. This made a much quoted prediction that 47% of jobs in the US were under threat of automation in the next two decades. Other more recent and detailed studies have made similar dramatic predictions.

Now, there’s a lot to criticize in the Oxford study. From a technical perspective, some of report’s predictions are clearly wrong. The report gives a 94% probability that bicycle repair person will be automated in the next two decades. And, as someone trying to build that future, I can reassure any bicycle repair person that there is zero chance that we will automate even small parts of your job anytime soon. The truth of the matter is no one has any real idea of the number of jobs at risk.

Even if we have as many as 47% of jobs automated, this won’t translate into 47% unemployment. One reason is that we might just work a shorter week. That was the case in the Industrial Revolution. Before the Industrial Revolution, many worked 60 hours per week. After the Industrial Revolution, work reduced to around 40 hours per week. The same could happen with the unfolding AI Revolution.

Another reason that 47% automation won’t translate into 47% unemployment is that all technologies create new jobs as well as destroy them. That’s been the case in the past, and we have no reason to suppose that it won’t be the case in the future. There is, however, no fundamental law of economics that requires the same number of jobs to be created as destroyed. In the past, more jobs were created than destroyed but it doesn’t have to be so in the future.

In the Industrial Revolution, machines took over many of the physical tasks we used to do. But we humans were still left with all the cognitive tasks. This time, as machines start to take on many of the cognitive tasks too, there’s the worrying question: what is left for us humans?

Some of my colleagues suggest there will be plenty of new jobs like robot repair person. I am entirely unconvinced by such claims. The thousands of people who used to paint and weld in most of our car factories got replaced by only a couple of robot repair people.

No, the new jobs will have to be doing jobs where either humans excel or where we choose not to have machines. But here’s the contradiction. In fifty to hundred years time, machines will be super-human. So it’s hard to imagine of any job where humans will remain better than the machines. This means the only jobs left will be those where we prefer humans to do them.

The AI Revolution then will be about rediscovering the things that make us human. Technically, machines will have become amazing artists. They will be able to write music to rival Bach, and paintings to match Picasso. But we’ll still prefer works produced by human artists.

These works will speak to the human experience. We will appreciate a human artist who speaks about love because we have this in common. No machine will truly experience love like we do.

As well as the artistic, there will be a re-appreciation of the artisan. Indeed, we see the beginnings of this already in hipster culture. We will appreciate more and more those things made by the human hand. Mass-produced goods made by machine will become cheap. But items made by hand will be rare and increasingly valuable.

Finally as social animals, we will also increasingly appreciate and value social interactions with other humans. So the most important human traits will be our social and emotional intelligence, as well as our artistic and artisan skills. The irony is that our technological future will not be about technology but all about our humanity.

Toby Walsh is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. His new book, “Android Dreams: the past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence” was published in the UK by Hurst Publishers in September 2017. It’s available from the Guardian Bookshop. You can read more at his blog, http://thefutureofai.blogspot.com/

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Trần Duy Lộc
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There is an issue regarding the prospect of radio. Some singers claim that radio will vanish lately due to the popularity of the web. This essay disagrees with their viewpoint.

Let us start with reasons why a few singers state radio will disappear in the future due to the cyber. The first reason is that people can read the news and enjoy songs on the global network. Citizens can find either any news or piece of melody on the web, so it is unnecessary for them to turn on CD players and to wait for news time between music breaks. Another reason is that radio stations also broadcast their programs digitally online. People do not have to abandon their favorite transmission channels, because they can listen to them online. Furthermore, radio pulses are unavailable in remote areas. Radio signals weaken passing through hills as well as mountains, but with the help of the satellite connection, song goers are always connected to the web.

However, some media managers believe that radio will remain for a long time. They justify their opinion with the following arguments. Firstly, radio is both free and widespread. In contrast to the web, radio lovers do not have to pay for the Internet to listen to the radio, because their wave receivers, which are present in nearly every modern device, can accept pervasive radio waves. Secondly, radio programs generally come live. Most humans usually consider radio more interesting to listen to, thanks to its coverage of events as well as different entertaining programs in real time. Moreover, radio is relevant to a parular region. Radio streams can supply news seekers with the info about their region, owing to their focus on events in their hometown.

In conclusion, although several celebrities argue that the cyberspace can cause the death of radio, I think that radio will stay unaffected by the net, as long as it is unpaid and amusing.

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Trang Phạm
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Đỗ Thanh Hải
2 tháng 5 2021 lúc 21:23

Tham khảo

Nowaday, the life is modern. Smart phones and computers are very popular and they appear all around us. Using smart phones is a necessary part of many students' life and students should use smartphone in their studying Students can learn in the Internet, search information for their lessons,... Using smart phones can solve many problems quickly and easily. But, there is a problem.Some students mostly use smart phones to relax and spend less time studying. They concentrate on the smart phones instead of keeping their eye on learning.

If students were allowed to use smart phones, learning would be easier . Unless they were banned to use smart phones, they could be focus on learning. Anyway, I think smart phones shouldn't be banned. Although it makes students can't be focus on the lessons, It helps them a lots in relaxing at break time and studying. We've also got some suitable rules such as: not using phones while you are studying, just use them at break time,...

Dương Thanh Hằng
3 tháng 5 2021 lúc 7:13

Nowaday, the life is modern. Smart phones and computers are very popular and they appear all around us. Using smart phones is a necessary part of many students' life and students should use smartphone in their studying Students can learn in the Internet, search information for their lessons,... Using smart phones can solve many problems quickly and easily. But, there is a problem.Some students mostly use smart phones to relax and spend less time studying. They concentrate on the smart phones instead of keeping their eye on learning.

If students were allowed to use smart phones, learning would be easier . Unless they were banned to use smart phones, they could be focus on learning. Anyway, I think smart phones shouldn't be banned. Although it makes students can't be focus on the lessons, It helps them a lots in relaxing at break time and studying. We've also got some suitable rules such as: not using phones while you are studying, just use them at break time,...

Trang Phạm
2 tháng 5 2021 lúc 21:21

Giúp mình với huhu