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Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngọc
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Bobovàkisskhácnhau Ởđiểm...
18 tháng 1 2019 lúc 19:55
The pollution of water is an important problem today. Today, throughout moutain to city, almost rivers are not pure. They are dark, black, and foul and make the bad trouble with our lives. We need fresh air, we need fresh water. We need water to drink, to bath, to clean and wash. We very need water. Land like Dad, and water like Mom. Water smooth, transparent, clear, and it has 70% of all our body. We can not don't need water. Water help tree grow. Water can refresh and clear all things. But today, we only have water from water city company. The water we drink, is not fresh. And it must fire to hot as 100 degree. And then, we make it cool, so we can drink. In once upon a time, all rivers are fresh. And we can swim in that, it's very funny. In that rivers, we have fishes, too, and shrimp, and very much see animals. But now, with our rivers, there have no fish, or shrimp. Because there're too dirty. If we want to make our rivers revival, we need learn the way to not pour the pollution things to our rivers. It's very difficult, I know. But if we truely want our rivers have the blue, not black, or grown color, we need do all things from the begin. Nowadays, we have many polluted company, we always try to make pure water. And to have pure water, we must pay money. It's not cheap. And the last thing I want to talk with you, that we need to learn the way to not pour the dirty things to rivers. And we need save our water. C-H-Ú-C-B-Ạ-N-H-Ọ-C-T-Ố-T
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngọc
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Akira Ai
17 tháng 1 2019 lúc 20:44

After three industrial revolutions, human keeps on taking steps to develop modern technology, making themselves the dominant species on the Earth. However, there is a high price to pay since pollution has become one of the most serious problems we have to confront. The first factor that is under great strain is the source of water. In the modern times, a number of factories have been built, leading to a huge amount of waste that needs to be dealt with. But with a lack of sewage treatment systems, most of this is dumped directly into rivers or lakes, destroying marine life. In addition, oil spills from tanker ship accidents also contribute to water population, which killed thousands of seabirds and aquatic animals. Not only water, the air is also contaminated seriously. It is shown that most of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere comes from coal burning power plants and motor vehicles, causing global warming and greenhouse effect. The situation became worse since our green lungs have been damaged seriously due to the alarming rate of deforestation. As a result of air pollution, human health can be threatened and put at risk of respiratory problems and hives.Last but not least, soil pollution is another example of our negative impacts on the environment. With modern farming practices and the abuse of chemical pesticides, the quality of soil is increasingly degraded on account of the loss of important minerals and microorganisms in it. Moreover, it can be polluted by improper disposal of waste or heavy metals from factories and power plants. These substances will enter the waterways and then our food chain, which gradually do harm to our health. In all likelihood, arable land will turn into desert or be lost to erosion and water logging. To conclude, the environment is polluted at a high rate, affecting our life negatively in many ways. Therefore, there is a need to take measures to save the Earth before it is too late.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngọc
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Duyên Kuti
21 tháng 1 2019 lúc 21:03

Water pollution has become a serious problem on Earth, greatly affecting the lives of people and animals. Water pollution is the contamination of drinking water by toxic pollutants created by human activities. The entire source of water is polluted through many sources such as urban flow, agriculture, industry, animal waste and other human activities. Human population is increasing day by day and so their needs and competition lead to pollution to the highest level. We need to drastically change some habits to save the Earth and continue our ability to live here.

Duyên Kuti
21 tháng 1 2019 lúc 21:12

Water pollution is an important issue today. Today, throughout the mountains come to the city, almost rivers are not clean. They rot, black, foul and cause trouble for our lives. We need fresh air, we need fresh water. We need water to drink, to bathe, to clean and wash. The water is smooth, transparent and it accounts for 70% of our entire body. We cannot live without water. Water helps plants grow. Water can refresh and clean everything ... In the old days, all rivers were clean and we could swim in them. In those rivers, we also have fish and shrimp, and see a lot of animals. But now, with our rivers, there is no fish or shrimp because it is so dirty. If we want to make our rivers revive, we need to learn how not to dump polluted things into our rivers. It is very difficult, I know. But if we really want our rivers to be green, not stinking black, we need to do everything to make the water pure again. And to have pure water, we have to pay. It is not cheap. And the last thing I want to tell you is that we need to learn not to dump dirty things into the river. And we need to save water if we don't want to die.

Bangtan Bàngtán Bất Bình...
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23 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:20

Môi trường hiện nay đang bị ô nhiễm nặng nề bởi chất thải của các khu công nghiệp, rác thải sinh hoạt, khói bụi các phương tiện giao thông... Với nhịp độ gia tăng dân số và tốc độ phát triển công nghiệp và hoạt động đô thị hoá như hiện nay thì diện tích đất canh tác ngày càng bị thu hẹp, chất lượng đất ngày càng bị suy thoái. Đối với nguồn nước bị ô nhiễm làm giảm độ đa dạng sinh vật trong nước. Ô nhiễm nước có nguyên nhân từ các loại nước,chất thải công nghiệp được thải ra lưu vực các con sông mà chưa qua xử lí đúng mức; các loại phân bón hoá học và thuốc trừ sâu ngấm vào nguồn nước ngầm và nước ao hồ; nước thải sinh hoạt được thải ra từ các khu dân cư ven sông gây ô nhiễm trầm trọng,ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của người dân,sinh vật trong khu vực. Ô nhiễm môi trường không khí là do khí thải của các nhà máy, khí thải từ phương tiện giao thông làm cho không khí không sạch hoặc gây mùi khó chịu, giảm thị lực khi nhìn xa do bụi. Như vậy, môi trường bị ô nhiễm là đe dọa đến cuộc sống con người. Chúng ta cần đánh lên hồi chuông cảnh báo để thức tỉnh mọi người, cần chung tay bảo vệ môi trường.

Bangtan Bàngtán Bất Bình...
23 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:30

bằng tiếng anh nha

23 tháng 4 2019 lúc 9:33

mik quên , sory nha 

Bangtan Bàngtán Bất Bình...
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Bangtan Bàngtán Bất Bình...
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Hoàng Ngọc Tuyết Nhung
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Lãnh Hàn Thiên Phương
12 tháng 7 2019 lúc 11:14

The Earth is our home, but it seems that we do not do enough necessary things to protect it. People cut down the trees, kill thousands animals, and dig up the ground every day. All of our actions create only negative influences to the Earth, and I think we should do something to save it before it is too late. It is not hard for us to cut off products from animals. We do not need to use accessories which are made from animals’ skin and fur, and we should not use things that are made from toxic materials. The oceans now have more trash than living animals, and it is a terrible thing to imagine. We should reduce the amount of trash, especially plas and toxic waste. Instead, we can use recycled things such as cloths, metal, or wood in our daily life. Everyone can join by doing such small things, and I think it is not very difficult. Environment is everything around us and what we need to maintain our life, so our priority should be keeping it clean and healthy.

Trái đất là ngôi nhà của chúng ta, nhưng dường như chúng ta không làm đủ những điều cần thiết để bảo vệ nó. Người ta chặt cây, giết hàng ngàn động vật và xới tung mặt đất mỗi ngày. Tất cả các hành động của chúng ta chỉ tạo ra những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến Trái đất, và tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên làm gì đó để cứu nó trước khi quá muộn. Không khó để chúng ta cắt giảm những sản phẩm từ động vật. Chúng ta không cần sử dụng các loại phụ kiện được làm từ da và lông thú, và chúng ta không nên sử dụng những thứ được làm từ vật liệu độc hại. Các đại dương bây giờ có nhiều rác hơn động vật sống, và đó là một điều khủng khiếp để tưởng tượng. Chúng ta nên giảm lượng rác, đặc biệt là rác thải nhựa và độc hại. Thay vào đó, chúng ta có thể sử dụng những thứ có thể tái chế như vải, kim loại hoặc gỗ trong cuộc sống hàng ngày. Mọi người đều có thể tham gia bằng cách làm những việc nhỏ như vậy và tôi nghĩ nó không quá khó. Môi trường là tất cả mọi thứ xung quanh chúng ta và những gì chúng ta cần để duy trì cuộc sống, vì vậy ưu tiên của chúng ta là giữ cho nó sạch sẽ và lành mạnh.

cao mạnh lợi
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Nguyễn Công Tỉnh
25 tháng 3 2019 lúc 22:26

The pollution of water is an important problem today. Today, throughout moutain to city, almost rivers are not pure. They are dark, black, and foul and make the bad trouble with our lives. We need fresh air, we need fresh water. We need water to drink, to bath, to clean and wash. We very need water. Land Dad, and water Mom. Water smooth, transparent, clear, and it has 70% of all our body. We can not don't need water. Water help tree grow. Water can refresh and clear all things. But today, we only have water from water city company. The water we drink, is not fresh. And it must fire to hot as 100 degree. And then, we make it cool, so we can drink. In once upon a time, all rivers are fresh. And we can swim in that, it's very funny. In that rivers, we have fishes, too, and shrimp, and very much see animals. But now, with our rivers, there have no fish, or shrimp. Because there're too dirty. If we want to make our rivers revival, we need learn the way to not pour the pollution things to our rivers. It's very difficult, I know. But if we truely want our rivers have the blue, not black, or grown color, we need do all things from the begin. Nowadays, we have many polluted company, we always try to make pure water. And to have pure water, we must pay money. It's not cheap. And the last thing I want to talk with you, that we need to learn the way to not pour the dirty things to rivers. And we need save our water.