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Viết 1 đoạn văn tả con vật yêu thích bằng tiếng anh


nam tran
9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 11:40

My favourite animal is cow and it is much more beneficial than other animals. It gives us milk which is a nutritious protein supply for us. It provides us meatand the leather equipments are made from its skin. In some countries, the cowis used for plowing the land and for faming purposes. The teeth and bones ofthis animal are sometimes used to make comb, buttons and other usefulthings. In some areas, the dung is used as fertilizer and to burn fires.
The cow is a four footed animal and its skin is thick. Grass is its main food andthey are mostly domes animals. I this animal mostly because of itscloseness to human and its usefulness for us. In my childhood we had 5-6cows at our home and they were very friendly. They had been very helpful forus. I it as it is very gentle and sober animal. I also enjoy when I see a cowis ruminating and giving milk to her calf

Tung Duong
9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 11:40

Everyone has one’s favorite pet. As for me, I very love my dog named Pull. The dog is an Alaska dog with straight brown hair, blue eyes and big ear. He is said to be intelligent, loyal and obedient. Moreover, Pull is friendly and well-trained when I said “sit down” or “run around” he will do absolutely true. I remember the first day I have met Pull-my 12 birthday, he is a present given by my father. At that time, Pull was 2 years old, he was small and unfamiliar with my family’s members. Nowadays, he is an adult dog with good health and he seems to be one important member of my whole family. Pull and I usually have wonderful time together we eat, go shopping, walk in the sunrise and sunset, and play in a local park. As I’m the only child in my family, Pull is my best friend. Whenever I have trouble or whatever mistake I do, I always have him by my side. Although he is not able to talk, I feel the love and caring of him for me. Besides, Pull helps my mother much in household, he can hold a heavy bucket of water. Dog is not food; therefore I condemn the action of stealing dog by killing them with electricity in VN and selling it for some taverns. Dog is an animal for people to feed, love and care. Dog is not a product of any individual who wants to earn illegal money from it. Finally, it’s better for a house with a domes dog so that it brings happiness in addition to keeping your house save. 

Bản dịch
Mỗi người có một con vật nuôi yêu thích. Nhưng đối với tôi, tôi rất yêu chú chó tên Pull của tôi. Nó là giống chó Alaska với long nâu, mắt xanh và tai lớn. Nó được nhận xét là thong minh, trung thành và nghe lời. Hơn nữa, Pull than thiện và được huấn luyện tốt, khi tôi nói “ngồi xuống” hay “chạy xung quanh” nó lập tức làm theo. Tôi vẫn nhớ ngày đầu tiên tôi gặp Pull vào sinh nhật thứ 12 của tôi, nó là món quà của bố tặng tôi. Vào thời điểm đó, Pull chỉ mới 2 tuổi, nó nhỏ và vẫn chưa quen với các thành viên trong gia dình tôi. Bây giờ, nó đã trưởng thành với sức khoẻ tốt và được xem như một thành viên trong gia đình. Tôi và Pull thường có những khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời bên nhau, chúng tôi ăn, đi mua sắm, đi bộ lúc bình minh và hang hôn, chơi trong công viên gần nhà. Bởi vì tôi là con một trong gia đình, Pull là bạn thân nhất của tôi. Mỗi khi tôi gặp rắc rối hay phạm phải sai lầm nào đó, tôi luôn có nó bên cạnh. Mặc dù nó không nói được, tôi luôn cảm nhận được tình yêu và sự quan tâm nó dành cho tôi. Hơn thế nữa, Pull còn giúp mẹ trong công việc nhà, nó có thể xách được một thau nước nặng. Chó không phải là thức ăn, bởi thế tôi lên án việc trộm chó bằng chích điện ở VN và bán chúng vào những quán nhậu. Chó không phải là một sản phẩm của bất kì cá nhân nào muốn kiếm lợi bất chính từ chúng. Cuối cùng, nuôi một chú chó trong nhà để nó mang lại nhiều niềm vui và giữ nhà cho chúng ta. 

9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:05

During childhood, I used to feed different kind of pet such as: hamster, dog, rabbit; however, I still my cat the most. Her name is Katy. Her hair consists of three colors white, black and blonde. She has tiny ear, small nose and blue bright eyes, which can glow in the dark. Her hobbies is playing with colors wool rolls and catching mouse. Katy don’t really cat food, she enjoy fish bone, rice and tiny shrimp. Although she eats less, she seems to be energe all day long. Katy and I have great time being together. She is my best friend as she knows how is my inside feeling and sharing my sadness as well as happiness. Whenever I am not in good mood or in trouble, I hug her and feel a cosy breath that sweep all the disappointment. Every evening, I take her for a walk in a local park so that we can enjoy fresh air and she makes more friends with other cats. Cat is an easy-to-feed pet as it is small, obedient. In spite of laziness, it helps us relaxing, protecting house from some insects. Cat is not new to people but its feather is used to make out many cat fur coat and other items of fashion. It is highly recommend that government create a strict law banning on cat thief. Finally, cat is a cute animal; therefore, it needs to be protected and preserved from being eaten and illegally killed.

9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:05

I most of animals as long as they are not harmful or dangerous, but my favorite one is dog. Dogs are well known for their intelligence and loyalty; and in my opinion, their looks are also very cute. There are many different breeds in the world, and most countries have at least one featuring dog breed of their own. Nowadays, most breeds of dog are not the same as they were from hundred years ago, but they have been artificially selected for parular appearances and behaviors by people for specific purposes. Because of this selective breeding, dogs have developed into hundreds of varied breeds, and they show more connection with people than any other land mammal. Some of the most popular breeds are Golden Retriever, Siberian Husky, Alaska, Bulldog, Doberman, German Shepherd, and it can be said that each breed has their own significant function in human’s life. Dogs have been the best companions for human at a very early age, their roles in hunting, herding, pulling loads and protection truly helped human in a lot of aspects. More recently, they have developed more pracal roles in assisting police and military, companionship, and helping handicapped ones, and most people accept that dogs appear in their lives more than they had ever thought. My family has a little dog, and he has all of the best qualities of a good one. He is actually my best friend since I am the one who spends most time playing with him. I love him very much, but I have to accept a fact that his life span is much shorter than human. A well – treated dog can live up to 12 or 15 years, and each year in dog’s life span is equal with 5 years in human’s one. Since dogs are the most popular animal to show such love and loyalty to human, its shortage in life span is truly a sad thing for all the dog lovers. Although I do not have much time with my beloved dogs, I always love them as my best companions in life.

9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:06

People often say that dogs are the most intelligent animals, but dolphins are also a very intelligent species. Dolphins' habitat is in the sea; so many people misunderstand dolphins with fish. In fact, they are mammals, and of course they also give birth of baby dolphin instead of eggs. They spend most of their time underwater, but sometimes they have to come up to the surface to get air any other mammals. Their breathing activity involves expelling stale air from their blowhole, and then they inhale fresh air into the lungs. Dolphins are often regarded as one of most intelligent animals on Earth, although it is hard to say and prove just how intelligent they really are. They are highly social animal, and research shows that they establish strong social bonds among their pods. They will stay with injured or ill ones, and they even help others to breathe by bringing them to the surface if needed. They can learn from other animals, they show great cooperation in hunting, and they even express different shades of emotions. Due to these significant characteriss, people tend to take them from the wild then train them to do tricks in entertaining shows at some big aquariums. Many people consider them as friendly animals and even friends to human because there are stories about dolphin sometimes help sailors to find the right way to the shores, or sometimes they even protect human from predators such as sharks. However, some countries such as Japan and Peru consider dolphin as one of their favorite seafood. Japan is well known for its dolphin hunting in mass amount, and those drive hunts always result in bloody shores with hundreds of dead bodies of this beautiful creature. Some organizations have developed to protect dolphin from being slaughtered barbarically, but it is still a hard process since dolphin meat is considered as a part of traditional cuisine in those countries. I love dolphin very much, and I hope that people will stop taking advantages from those intelligent and friendly animal.

9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:06

Everybody has their own favorite animals, and cats are my favorite one. Most of them have smooth fur with many different colors such as yellow, black, white or tabby. Domes cats are very popular among the animal – lovers community. People say that cats have cold hearts that show almost no attachment and love towards their owners. In fact, almost all of them they to be caressed by human, and they can be as loyal and smart as dogs if the owners treat them well. Since I love cats, a friend of my mother gave my family a kitten. Its coat is white and dark gray; it has a lovely pink nose and a long yet thin tail. It was a little chubby kitten, so I decided to name it Fattie. He lives a meaningful life under that name, and now he is as round as a piglet since he never stops eating. Despite his weight, he loves to chase birds, butterflies and other small animals that appear in the garden. Whenever he is successful in catching something, he meows loudly and also proudly bring his prey to one of the family member, and we think that it is a way of cats to show their achievements. His daily routine is also very interesting, every morning he comes out to sunbathe while using his small red tongue to clean his fur, then he demands to have breakfast and rolls to bed for a short nap before his lunch. He spends most of his time to sleep and eat, but sometimes he also scores by catching some rats that eat our fruits in the garden. He is a playful cat that shows a lot of love to our family, and people always have compliments for him. Since I had my cat Fattie, my love for cat has become bigger. Cats are always my favorite animal, and I am planning on adopting one more cat so Fattie can have another best friend.

9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:07

Most of my friends love dogs and cats, but I have a totally different favorite animal from them which is elephant. Elephants are the largest mammal that lives in land, and they have a lot of interesting characteriss along with their impressive size. The most distinctive figure of elephants is their long trunks, which can serve as noses, weapons, and tools for moving objects or digging. They use their trunks in almost all of their activities such as picking leaves or fruits, drinking water, and hanging above the surface to breathe when they have to cross the deep rivers. They have large ears which serve as a pair of fans, and they flap their ears whenever they feel hot in order to control their body temperature. Despite their enormous size, they are actually herbivorous animal which means that they only eat plants during their lifetime. Elephants are intelligent animals, and study shows that they can even have emotions. They show clear signs of interest in some kinds of animal, they express concern towards the sick members of the group, and they are easily taught to do tricks. Because of their impressive appearance as well as their intelligence, many people all over the world had never stopped taking advantages on them. They are captured and being taken away from the wild so that people can force them to perform in the circuses and zoos. Besides being a form of entertainment, elephants also in a great threat of be killed by the poachers who want to take away their valuable tusks. Scientists had proved that elephant tusks had no use in medical, so I hope one day people will stop hunting down those lovely creatures for their useless purposes. Elephant is one of the endangered species, and it will disappear forever if people do not have some really effective ways to protect them. Since I love elephant so much, I hope one day I can take part in some projects to save this magnificent animal.

Linh Linh
9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:14

My childhood is coupled not only with sweet memories of my pupil age but also a lovely dog- Cookie. Cookie was a special gift that my parents gave me on my birthday party. It is an exo dog with a white smooth fur as velvet and a wet nose. Cookie has round bright black eyes so that he can see everything under the cover of darkness. His ears always pricks up to hear all the slightest commotion. Cookie is a playful but smart, docile and faithful dog. I feel very happy when seeing him running from outside the gate, greeting me and wrapping around my legs after every school days. not until I was in a fix did I realize that Cookie is necessarily the best companion. On a beautiful sunday morning, when I was going out for a walk with my dog, I unfortunately met an angry wild dog with eyes staring at me and ly to attack me. Cookie was ready to protect and save me without caring about his survival. Cookie has a paramount importance in my life and I promise myself to take care of him carefully.

Linh Linh
9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:14

Companionship is something of essence to people, therefore I have got a close friend since I was at secondary school. It is a domesated dog. This was a birthday present from my parents on my 15th birthday. I am originally interested in furry creatures, hence the dog was a great happiness to me. He is an adorable dog with burnished fur and streamlined tail. He has thin and strong legs so he sun so fast. He is an omnivorous animal so he can eat the same food in our meals. additionally, he has strong sense of smell and hearing, together with sharp vision and understanding power thus called intelligent animal. This dog is easily controlled and taught anything through proper training. He guards home and family for the whole day without getting anything in return. He starts barking very loudly whenever any stranger approaches the house. Moreover, he usually shows affection towards the owner by wagging his tail and licking hands or face. Since he appears, he has got rid of loneliness in my life. He has been proved as a very useful and obedient animal for the mankind. I always have deep affection for this close friend.

Thảo Chi ~
9 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:40

Milu is the name of the dog bought by his father earlier this year. It has thick, silky-yellow fur but has brown hairs that look patches. The eyes were round and black, and they looked very refined. The small nose is always wet, it sounds very good. His ears are always prickly, looking very stubborn. He had a sharp teeth, when he saw him, he certainly did not let any thief get close. That's why, last week, it was you who caught the thief who snuck into my house. Her parents rewarded him with a full meal, delicious meat, vegetables and fish. After eating, he swooped into my lap to be caressed and cuddled by my brother. Occasionally, Milu rubbed his head against his leg to show affection. Everyone loved Milu. Going away, everyone has a gift for it. At that time, the cake, when wrapped in candy. He accepted with joy and gratitude. Milu is wise and loyal, is considered an indispensable member of my family.

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