From the four words or phrase -a ,b , c or d - choose the one that best completes the sentence .
1. After seeing a movie based on a novel , ....................
a. the book was read by many people
b. the book made many people want to read it
c. many people want to read the book
d. the reading of the book interests many people
2. Once known as the ' Golden State ' because of its gold mines , .................
a. North Carolina today mines few metallic minerals
b. few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today
c. there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today
d. today in North Carolina few metallic minerals are mined
3. ................ are considered humorous is mainly to his character's use of slang
a. Damon Runyan's stories
b. Damon Runyan's stories , which
c. That Damon Runyan's stories
d. Because Damon Runyan's stories
4. In order to grow vegetables properly , gardeners must know ....................
a. that the requirements for each vegetable
b. what the requirements for each vegetable are
c. what are each vegetable's requirements
d. that is required by each vegetable
5. ..................... , methane can be used as a fuel
a. It is produced by the fermentation of organic matter
b. The fermentation of organic matter is produced
c. The production by the fermentation of organic matter
d. Produced by the fermentation of organic matter