he was looking at his parents ... can be effective in the short term but they have a cost
Aobey Bobedience Cobedient Dobediently
the interviews with parents showed that the vast majority were ........... of teachers
Asupport Bsupportive Csupporter Dsupporting
london is home to peopleof many ..........cultures
Adiverse Bdiversity Cdiversify Ddiversification
jonh cannot make a .... to get married to Mary or stay single until he can offord a house and car
Adecide Bdecision Cdecisive Ddeci sively
my mother used to be a woman of great ........ but now she gets old and looks pale
Abeauty Bbeautiful Cbeautifully Dbeautiful
although they are twins they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in ..........
A argee Bargeeable Cargeement Dargeeably
the more ...............and positive you look the better you will feel
Aconfide Bconfident Cconfidently Dconfidence
my parents will have celebrated 30 years of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by nent week
Amarry Bmarried Cmarriageable Dmarriage
các bạn ơi giúp mình với mình cảm ơn nhiểu